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Country of France.jpg

France is a sovereign state comprising territory in western Europe and several overseas regions and territories. It is either featured in or incorporated into the events of multiple kaiju films.


Showa era

Destroy All Monsters

After being mind-controlled by the Kilaaks, Gorosaurus surfaced from underground in Paris, France's capital. Gorosaurus surfaced right underneath the Arc de Triomphe, causing it to collapse.


In 1968, the French government secretly carried out a nuclear bomb test on an isolated island in French Polynesia. This nuclear blast irradiated the egg of a marine iguana, causing it to mutate into a giant monster over the next several decades. When the creature, dubbed "Godzilla" by the American media, surfaced in New York in 1998, the French government sent a team of agents to the city to eliminate the creature and "clean up their government's mess." The team, led by Philippe Roaché, sought out Dr. Niko Tatopoulos, who had determined that Godzilla had laid eggs somewhere in the city. Together, Nick and Philippe's team of secret servicemen found hundreds of eggs inside Madison Square Garden, which hatched into Baby Godzillas that chased them through the arena. The other members of Philippe's crew were killed by the Baby Godzillas, but he, Nick and his girlfriend Audrey Timmonds and her cameraman Victor "Animal" Palotti escaped the Garden while the United States military delivered a missile strike on the building, destroying it and Godzilla's nest. However, the adult Godzilla soon rose from the streets and, enraged, gave chase to Philippe and the others. They hijacked a taxi and drove away from the beast, luring it to the Brooklyn Bridge, where it was entangled in the suspension cables and killed by three F-18 Hornets. His mission accomplished, Philippe returned to France.

Godzilla: The Series

Another French agent, Monique Dupre, was sent to New York to investigate reports of a surviving Godzilla. She discovered that this new Godzilla was being raised by Nick Tatopoulos, and placed a call to the U.S. military to destroy the monster. Godzilla was seemingly killed by the military, and Monique was then sent to Jamaica to investigate reports of another mutation that may have been born from the 1968 French nuclear test. There, she encountered Nick and his scientific team, H.E.A.T., who were also investigating the attacks, and offered her assistance. Eventually, they were attacked by the cause of the attacks, Crustaceous Rex, but were saved by Godzilla, who had survived the military's attack. Afterwards, Monique agreed to allow the new Godzilla to live, and was recruited as a member of H.E.A.T.

Philippe Roaché would later offer his assistance to the U.S. military on behalf of the French government when Godzilla was reportedly attacking New York. Philippe provided them with a deadly chemical weapon that he intended to use to destroy Godzilla. However, it was soon learned that the monster attacking New York was an impostor known as the Chameleon created to frame Godzilla by Cameron Winter. Philippe's weapon was used on the Chameleon instead, causing it to crumble into dust.

Millennium era

Godzilla Final Wars

Kamacuras overlooking the ruins of Paris in Godzilla Final Wars

One day, Manda was travelling along the English Channel towards the United Kingdom. The Gotengo was launched, froze the ancient dragon, and then departed. Later, Kamacuras suddenly appeared in the French capital, Paris. The Earth Defense Force's French division deployed their aerial vehicle, Eclair, to battle the monster, but the battle was cut short when a UFO teleported Kamacuras away. The UFO's occupants, an alien race calling themselves the Xiliens, stressed that they had come to save the human race, but it was soon discovered they intended to conquer the Earth and enslave humanity. With their plan exposed, the Xiliens unleashed Kamacuras in Paris once again and destroyed the Eclair, leaving the city defenseless.

Reiwa era

Shin Godzilla

As Rando Yaguchi and his team raced to complete their plan to freeze Godzilla before the American-directed nuclear strike on Tokyo to destroy the monster, they had interim Prime Minister Satomi contact the French ambassador to convince his government to delay the strike in exchange for biological information on Godzilla. The French government complied and used its influence to make the other members of the United Nations Security Council delay the nuclear strike against Godzilla by a day, allowing Yaguchi's plan, codenamed Operation Yashiori, to take place and successfully stop Godzilla.


Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire

A fleet of General Atomics MQ-9 Reapers attacking Godzilla as he raids a nuclear plant

Following his battle with Scylla in Rome, Godzilla began collecting vast amounts of power in preparation for Skar King's return. Godzilla suddenly came ashore in the South of France, moving on a course through the village of Montagnac in Occitanie and towards a nearby nuclear power plant, which he raided, feeding on the radiation produced by it. MQ-9 Reaper drones were dispatched by the French Air and Space Force to engage Godzilla and fired missiles at him, but to no avail, and the Titan swatted one down with his claws. Then, supercharged by the energy he had consumed, Godzilla produced a nuclear pulse, destroying the remaining unmanned aerial vehicles.


Godzilla: Kingdom of Monsters

Minette and Mallory as the self-proclaimed queens of France

In Cherbourg, Normandy, France, Minette and Mallory were enrolled in a school, after having been transferred from seversal prior. They sat together while their peers played with a soccer ball, and terrorized a boy that had accidentally kicked the ball their way. As the kids continued their game near the beaches, the ball rolled over a hill. Mallory and Minette followed it this time, and saw a giant egg, which they claimed to belong to them. Word of the egg spread until it reached the president, and people gathered around to view it. A swarm of insects flew towards the egg near the crowd before subsequently dying en masse. The French military secured the area and prepared to destroy the egg before it could hatch, but Minette and Mallory intervened and killed them, and from the egg hatched Battra.

Partnered with Battra, the twins eliminated more military forces sent to eliminate the kaiju, and advanced to Paris, where they proclaimed themselves queens after stealing toy royal garments. Battra coiled around the Eiffel Tower and cocooned while Mallory and Minette raided the Louvre for more authentic royal outfitting and other valuable treasures. The psychic twins relaxed in the practically vacant city when Rodan flew overhead to attack the city. Minette and Mallory went back to Battra as he emerged from the cocoon in his Imago form. Battra and Rodan clashed briefly with each other over Paris before Mallory and Minette took control of Rodan. Soon after, the twins lead the two kaiju to he United States in order to take control of Godzilla.

Godzilla: Rulers of Earth

Baragon emerging under the Arc de Triomphe

The monster Baragon, which had been burrowing underneath Europe for some time, finally surfaced in the middle of France's capital city, Paris, destroying the Arc de Triomphe as he emerged. The Counter-Kaiju Reaction Forces deployed their mecha, Kiryu, to subdue Baragon. After a fierce battle, Kiryu restrained Baragon and flew him to the CKR's containment facility on the Monster Islands.

Godzilla: Aftershock

The MUTO Prime destroying the Athena II Nuclear Power Plant

The MUTO Prime raided the Athena II Nuclear Power Plant to feed on radiation, but was halted by an atomic breath fired by Godzilla. The two monsters charged at each other and clash briefly, but Jinshin-Mushi gained the upper hand with a slash to Godzilla's face before dealing a strike from her larger claws, toppling him. The MUTO Prime leapt on top of Godzilla and attempted to inject her ovipositors into him, but Godzilla slashed her across the face, repelling her attack and sending her back. After the two Titans roared at each other, the MUTO Prime retreated, tunneling underground to find more energy.

Countries Japan (HiroshimaNagasakiTokyo (ShinagawaGinza) • KobeOsakaNagoyaOkinawa (Cape Manzamo) • HokkaidoKyotoFukuoka) • China (Beijing) • Philippines (Manila) • New GuineaMarshall IslandsUnited States (New York CityAlaskaTexas) • United Kingdom (London) • France (Paris) • Italy (Venice) • GermanyRussia (Moscow) • Rolisica (New Kirk City)MuSelginaSeatopiaNorth KoreaSouth Korea
Geographic points Mount AsoMount FujiAokigaharaPacific Ocean (Bikini AtollOdo IslandIwato IslandKamiko IslandFaro IslandMatango IslandInfant IslandSergio IslandLetchi IslandSollgel IslandMonster IslandMondo IslandOgasawara Islands • (Monsterland) • Japan TrenchTokyo BayOsaka BaySagami BaySuruga Bay) • Arctic Ocean
Planets and continents Earth (AsiaEuropeAmericaAntarctica) • MysteroidPlanet RPlanet PairaVenusMarsJupiterPlanet XMoonGorathTerraPlanet Fire GodDark Gaseous Nebula of the OrionM Space Hunter NebulaPlanet PeacelandPlanet GarogaPlanet BulgarBlack Hole Planet 3
Miscellaneous National Diet BuildingSEIKO HOUSE GINZATokyo TowerOsaka CastleSaikai BridgeHaneda AirportAtami CastleNagoya TV TowerNagoya CastleWakato BridgeKurobe DamArc de TriompheGodzilla TowerUnderground CaveAtlantis
Countries Japan (TokyoOsakaHokkaido (Sapporo) • FukuokaNagoyaYokohama (Minato Mirai 21) • KyotoKobeKagoshimaBeppuKumamotoOkinawaOmaezakiSendaiAshikaga) • China (Hong Kong) • PhilippinesMarshall IslandsRussiaSaradiaNorth KoreaSouth Korea
Geographic points Mount MiharaMount FujiAokigaharaLake AshiPacific Ocean (Tokyo BayBikini AtollLagos IslandBering SeaSea of OkhotskInfant IslandAdonoa IslandBaas IslandKowloon BaySuruga BayGodzillandGodzilla IslandMatango IslandBungo ChannelYakushimaNilai-Kanai Temple) • Arctic Ocean
Planets and continents Earth (Asia) • MarsJupiterMonster PlanetPlanet Torendiru
Miscellaneous Ihama Nuclear Power PlantNational Diet BuildingSEIKO HOUSE GINZAFukuoka TowerSapporo TV TowerNagoya CastleNagoya TV TowerYokohama Landmark TowerYokohama Bay BridgeCosmo Clock 21Tokyo TowerKai Tak AirportTokyo Bay Aqua-LineTokyo Metropolitan Government BuildingTokyo Telecom CenterIkata Nuclear Power PlantHaneda AirportAriake ColiseumUnderworldAtlantis
Countries Japan (TokyoOkinawaTokaiManazuruHokkaido (Nemuro) • OsakaYokohamaTateyama) • United States (New York CityArizona) • France (Paris) • Australia (Sydney) • New Guinea (Papua New Guinea) • China (Shanghai)
Geographic points Pacific Ocean (Tokyo BayKiganjimaInfant IslandOgasawara Islands (MagonotéHimago Island) • Japan Trench) • Atlantic Ocean (English Channel) • Mount MyokoLake IkedaMount FujiAokigaharaArea G
Planets and continents Earth (AsiaEuropeAmericaOceaniaAustraliaAntarctica) • GorathPlanet Fire God
Miscellaneous National Diet BuildingTokyo TowerTokai Nuclear Power PlantYokohama Landmark TowerYokohama Bay BridgeSydney Opera HouseEiffel Tower
Countries Japan (Tokyo (KamataShinagawaGinza) • KamakuraMechagodzilla CityNigashio) • United Kingdom (London) • France (Paris) • GermanyUnited StatesIndiaMarshall Islands
Geographic points Mount FujiTanzawa PassPacific Ocean (Odo IslandTokyo BaySagami BayBikini AtollOgasawara IslandsBōsō Peninsula) • Atlantic Ocean (English Channel)
Planets and continents Earth (AsiaEuropeAmerica) • Kepler-452bTau Ceti eMoon
Miscellaneous National Diet BuildingTokyo TowerTokyo StationSEIKO HOUSE GINZAAratrumOratioUnion Compound India
American films
Countries United States (New York CityHawaiiNevadaSan FranciscoBostonSedonaPhoenixHobokenWashington, D.C.PensacolaAlaska) • France (French PolynesiaMontagnac) • Marshall IslandsJamaicaPhilippinesJapan (JanjiraTokyo) • VietnamMexico (Isla de Mara) • Brazil (Rio de Janeiro) • Germany (Munich) • Russia (Moscow) • United Kingdom (LondonGibraltar) • Spain (Cadiz) • Italy (Rome) • BarbadosNorway (Kvitøya) • Sudan (Jebel Barkal) • Peru (Machu Pichu) • Egypt (Cairo) • China (Hong Kong) • South Korea
Geographic points Pacific Ocean (Bikini AtollSkull IslandTasman Sea) • Arctic OceanYunnan RainforestMount FujiInfant IslandVictoria Peak
Planets and continents Earth (AmericaEuropeAsiaOceaniaAntarctica)
Miscellaneous Empire State BuildingWorld Trade CenterMadison Square GardenBrooklyn BridgeHonolulu International AirportGolden Gate BridgeYucca Mountain Nuclear Waste RepositoryFenway ParkApex CyberneticsColosseumGreat PyramidChrist the Redeemer
Printed media
Countries United States (San FranciscoSan DiegoLos AngelesNew York CityTexasWashington, D.C.SeattleLas VegasAlaskaChicago) • Japan (Tokyo) • GermanyBrazil (São Paulo) • France (Paris) • GreeceItaly (PompeiiRome) • Ghana (Accra) • India (Mumbai) • Turkey (Istanbul) • North KoreaSouth Korea (Seoul) • Russia (Moscow) • MexicoVietnamJamaicaPeru
Geographic points Pacific Ocean (Monster IslandMonster IslandsInfant IslandMoansta IslandSatan AtollOgasawara IslandsBering Sea)
Planets and continents Earth (AmericaAsiaEuropeAntarctica)
Miscellaneous Alaskan PipelineGolden Gate BridgeGrand CanyonEiffel TowerChrist the RedeemerHellMultiverse


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Godzilla: The Series