
Mysteroid (ミステロイド is the former home world of the Misuteroido)Mysterians which is mentioned in the 1957 Toho film, The Mysterians. Once the fifth planet of the Solar System, it was located between Mars and Jupiter.
Mysteroid is a portmanteau of "mystery" (ミステリー and "asteroid" misuterī) (アステロイド, and evokes the name of the asuteroido)Mysterians.
Showa era
The Mysterians
Thousands of years before the dawn of civilization on Earth, Mysteroid was a thriving world home to an advanced civilization that was close to exploring the Solar System. However, a nuclear war broke out on the planet, eventually wiping out all but a small number of survivors. Despite the fact that their race had survived, these survivors were contaminated with Strontium-90 from nuclear fallout, meaning that each new generation suffered severe genetic illnesses and mutations. Realizing they needed to colonize a world that wasn't ravaged by radioactivity, they travelled to Mars, but soon discovered the planet's lack of resources. Instead, they decided upon Earth, traveling to the Moon to make their plans.
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