Minette and Mallory

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Minette and Mallory
Minette and Mallory in Godzilla: Rulers of Earth
Species Human
Gender Female
Aliases Mallory: MallorieGKOM
Affiliation Dyachenko Offensive Robotics and Technologies
Occupation Students, Battra's priestesses
Related to Unnamed mother (deceased),
Battra (telepathic link)
Allies Battra, Rodan, Cryogs
Enemies Rodan (at first), Godzilla,
Trilopods, Shobijin, Mothra,
various humans, King Caesar
First appearance Latest appearance
Godzilla: Kingdom of Monsters #3 Godzilla: Rulers of

Minette and Mallory are identical twin psychics who appear in the IDW comics Godzilla: Kingdom of Monsters and Godzilla: Rulers of Earth. They serve as dark parallels to Mothra's twin fairies, the Shobijin.


In Godzilla: Kingdom of Monsters, Mallory's name is spelled Mallorie. This was changed to "Mallory" in Godzilla: Rulers of Earth.


Godzilla: Kingdom of Monsters

Issue #3

In Cherbourg, Normandy, France, Minette and Mallory were enrolled in a school. A woman explained to the principal that it was the third school they'd been transferred to in six months, due to their being entirely mute. Later, the twins watched a group of children play soccer while talking about Godzilla. A boy, Lucas, accidentally kicked the ball towards one of the twins, prompting them to psychically traumatize him with a vision of a monster. The girls looked on as a crowd formed around the boy, who convulsed on the ground and began bleeding from his nose and ears. The kids moved their game to a beach as the twins sat on a log a short distance away. The ball was kicked past them over a hill, and they decided to follow it. There they discovered a giant egg, which they claimed to belong to them. The government soon heard of the egg's discovery, and it was reported to the president. On the scene, a crowd began to form around the egg. Suddenly, a swarm of insects emerged from the egg and flew at the citizens, but immediately began to drop dead around them. French military personnel soon secured the area and set up explosives around the egg to neutralize it, but were stopped by Minette and Mallory, who killed all of them in an instant. The egg then bursted open, revealing a giant larval creature whom the twins named "Battra."

Issue #4

Shortly after Battra's emergence, another soldier appeared in a tank and prepared to fire on the monster. However, the twins used their telepathy to destroy the vehicle with Battra's Prism Beam and proclaimed that they would next attack Paris and be made queens. In Paris, the girls raided a nearby toy store for queen outfits. They crowned themselves the Queens of France, but lamented about the authenticity of the crowns. Battra coiled himself around the Eiffel Tower and the girls ordered him to stay put as they broke into a museum to steal some real crowns. They decided on the Louvre, where more French soldiers were stationed to ward off looters. Mallory inquired about whether they would need tickets, but Minette reassured her that queens do not need tickets before killing the soldiers in their way.

Issue #5

Minette and Mallory continued on into the Louvre and approached an exhibit entitled "The Crown Jewels of France." They smashed through the glass and stole a pair of crowns and scepters, as well as an array of prized jewelry. The girls returned to Battra on the Eiffel Tower, but found that he had been enveloped by a cocoon. Mallory wondered if he was dead, but Minette assured her that he was simply changing form.

Issue #7

Sometime later, Minette and Mallory dined on cheese in an abandoned park. Mallory commented that it was a nice day, to which Minette replied that every day is nice when you are a queen, because everyone has to listen to your orders. Mallory asked how they could still be queens if no one was around to act as their subjects, but Minette told her that once Battra awoke, they would seek out all people and force them to bend to their will. Suddenly, Rodan appeared in the skies overhead, zooming past buildings and causing them to crumble. The girls escaped back to the Eiffel Tower, and Battra emerged from his cocoon as an imago. They ordered Battra to kill Rodan, and the monsters engaged in a brief dogfight before the girls shouted at Rodan to stop. To their amazement, both monsters touched down beside them, now allied under their control. As they observed a newspaper blowing past them, the twins hatched a plan to fly to America with Battra and Rodan so that they could take control of the ultimate monster: Godzilla.

Issue #10

As Steven Woods piloted Super Mechagodzilla into battle against Godzilla in Washington D.C., Minette and Mallory looked on from atop Battra and marveled at Godzilla's sheer power. King Ghidorah, who had been laying unconscious from an earlier bout with Godzilla, awoke and joined the battle. Mechagodzilla used its Shock Anchors to incapacitate both Godzilla and King Ghidorah before firing on them with its ultimate weapon, the Plasma Grenade. With both monsters seemingly dead, Mechagodzilla flew away, leaving Minette and Mallory alone with their monster pawns. Mallory worried that Godzilla was truly dead, but Minette explained that nothing can kill the King of the Monsters. They floated down above Godzilla's body and claimed him as their own, with the monster's eye suddenly opening.

Issue #11

Godzilla lay dazed on the ground as Minette and Mallory tried desperately to put him under their control. The twins concluded that Godzilla was either sick or worn, and tried asking him which it was. When there was no reaction, Mallory said that she had an idea. They ordered Rodan and Battra to pick up Godzilla, and carried him to a nuclear power plant so that his energy could be replenished. They dropped Godzilla into the plant and blasted it with Battra's Prism Beams, causing a massive explosion. When the smoke cleared Godzilla appeared, energized once more. Minette and Mallory ordered Godzilla to show them his power, and he began charging his atomic breath. They assumed this to be a sign that Godzilla was now under their command, but he instead blasted them out of the sky, burying the girls under rubble.

Godzilla: Rulers of Earth

"Changing of the Guard"

In Moscow, Russia, a Russian warmonger by the name of Dyachenko held a presentation where he revealed his plans to supposedly defend the world's cities against kaiju attacks using an army of mass-produced Mechagodzillas. He demonstrated the machines' power before the crowd by sending one of them disguised as Godzilla to Alaska to battle Anguirus. A grown-up Minette and Mallory, having survived Godzilla's attack, appeared onstage with Dyachenko as his assistants.


As Dyachenko continued his presentation, the twins removed their glasses and looked into the crowd. They were later seen with Dyachenko at his base of operations.

"Hunting Party"

While Dyachenko's Mechagodzillas battled with Godzilla in Boston, the U.S. senator looking on with him at his base demanded that Godzilla be finished off. Dyachenko, who revealed himself to be the Cryog leader Rhizon, objected to the senator's wishes; Minette and Mallory knocked him unconscious and took him away. The girls complained that they were just having fun, but Rhizon assured them that they would one day have their own kingdom.

"King For a Day"

As Rhizon's Mechagodzillas returned to base, Minette and Mallory asked the alien about their next move. He recalled how the three met, with the twins pointing him in the direction of the dormant King Ghidorah and aligning themselves with him due to their overlapping ideals: to conquer the planet and Godzilla. Rhizon explained that Gigan was too valuable to be lost in battle, and so King Ghidorah was revived as Mecha-King Ghidorah. However, he required the girls to interface with the cyborg so that it could be controlled as a weapon against Godzilla. They agreed, and used Mecha-King Ghidorah to restrain Godzilla with its Machine Hand, but quickly realized that the cyborg was never truly under their control to begin with. Rhizon sent two of his Mechagodzilla units to the scene to help fight against Godzilla while Minette and Mallory continued struggling to gain control over Mecha-King Ghidorah. Eventually, they began to bleed from the eyes and mouth and lost consciousness. Rhizon then evacuated from the facility, leaving the girls behind.

"Space and Time"

Russian soldiers recovered Minette and Mallory's unconscious bodies from the battlefield. Megazoologist Lucy Casprell laid her hands on theirs and was struck by a psychic vision of Godzilla, King Caesar, twin Mothra larvae, the claws of a Trilopod, a Cryog invasion fleet, and a city on fire. The girls seemed to launch a deliberate psychic attack on her from afar in São Paulo, Brazil, as Meganulon hatched from their eggs and Godzilla battled Ebirah nearby.

"Signal to End"

Even while drugged aboard a Russian plane, Minette and Mallory still managed to summon Battra to their aid. He destroyed the fighter jet escorts, broke the wings off of the plane, set it down on a nearby island, and began slaughtering the crew. The twins ordered him to spare the doctors, as they needed their assistance to recover. They traveled with Battra to Infant Island. In the ensuing battle, Mothra sacrificed herself so that her twin larvae, the Shobijin, and the Infant Islanders could escape. They traveled to Monster Island.

"Dawn of the Trilopods"

Battra attacked the Mothra larvae as the Cryogs' ultimate weapons, the Trilopods, touched down on Monster Island.

"Home Invasion"

A Trilopod Alpha and Beta quickly overwhelmed Battra before joining to form a Trilopod-Battra hybrid. Calling forth all their psychic power, Minette and Mallory caused the alien kaiju's head to explode, then collapsed from the effort.

"Old Rules"

Minette and Mallory recalled their first encounter with kaiju: a battle between Kamacuras and Mothra that resulted in their mother's death and earned Mothra their eternal hatred. They implored Battra to rise, and he obeyed. In Okinawa, Lucy Casprell, Kristina Sumres, and Jason Ford prepared to awaken King Caesar on the Shobijin's advice to help stop the Trilopod invasion. Minette and Mallory arrived with Battra, who easily dispatched the Seekers accompanying the cryptozoologists on their mission. Before he could kill them, King Caesar revived and a fierce battle ensued. A Trilopod pod landed nearby, and the aliens joined the battle. The twins knocked out Jason with a rock, then held Lucy and Kristina hostage. While they threatened King Caesar, Battra prepared to attack him from behind, only to retreat as he spotted a Trilopod Alpha approaching. With the twins stunned, Lucy broke free and King Caesar picked up the cryptozoologists and the Shobijin. Minette and Mallory vowed revenge, but King Caesar crushed them with a single swipe of his paw.



  • In issue #3 of Godzilla: Kingdom of Monsters, an old man remarks, "Something has gone horribly wrong!" to the Shobijin while watching Battra on TV. They do not appear again for the rest of the comic. Eric Powell explained the original plan for these characters before Toho objected to the comic's grim tone: "Tracy and I planned to set up what would appear to be an approaching conflict between the evil twins and the Shobijin. However, it was eventually going to be revealed that the tiny girls the old man was talking to were actually just wooden dolls and he was, in fact, completely out of his mind. The old man’s madness, though, had some method to it, and he would have later supplied Sergeant Woods with much information about the evil twins’ power and purpose."[1] They also wanted Minette and Mallory to assemble an entire army of monsters, with Mechagodzilla helping Godzilla defeat them.
  • The concept of an evil counterpart to Mothra's fairies was first utilized in Rebirth of Mothra (1996) with Belvera, although she was just as small as the other Elias.

See also


This is a list of references for Minette and Mallory. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]

  1. Powell, Eric (22 May 2014). "THE GODZILLA BOOK WE WANTED TO MAKE". Powell on Stuff & Crap.


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