You're jealous of a feeble-minded primate?
— Botila responding to Richard Remy's outrage at Kong's technological upgrades (Poacher's Prize) |
Botila is in her own words, "the most highly advanced Biono-bot in the known universe", created by Dr. Richard Remy. She is ferociously strong, and fiercely intelligent, and while she is primarily a henchmen in the show's first season, she rebels against her creator to become the main antagonist of the second season of the 2016 American animated kaiju show, Kong: King of the Apes, in which she wishes to rid the world of all organic life.
Kong: King of the Apes
"The Adventure Begins"
Botila was an artificially intelligent Biono-bot who was created by Dr. Richard Remy for unknown purposes. In 2049, when Kong revealed himself to the world by saving three lost hikers, Botila watched the broadcast with Dr. Remy, who was furious that his childhood rival was receiving so much praise. When Richard was summoned to Alcatraz by his father, Botila tagged along and rejected romantic advances from his brother Lukas Remy's friend Doug Jones shortly before an intruder alert sounded. Richard bragged about having programmed Botila to know every known martial art, but before she could apprehend the intruders, Kong brought them up to the landing pad. It is implied that there may be a romantic connection between them. As Richard's sarcastic sidekick, she is present for the opening of Alcatraz island as a natural history museum. Over time, Botila revealed that she could appreciate Kong's heroism as he would save construction workers who were endangered during the refit. When Kong began to assemble girders by himself, she pointed out that Kong had just saved Richard 20 man hours of highly skilled labor, but he did not appreciate Kong's work or Botila's sentiment. She continued to be dry and critical of Richard even after his father's passing nearly one year later. She was then compliant in Richard's final plan to defame Kong by emitting waves from Kong's control collar on an irritating frequency to make him more aggressive. Kong escaped the island when Botila increased the frequency, and ever fanatic in his hatred, Richard seized control and formulated a plan to eliminate Kong and get himself out of debt. He sent Botila and two hired goons named Brag and Wheeler to steal weapons from a military warehouse, knowing that Kong would arrive to rescue them and be blamed for the heist. After loading the helicopter, she told the henchmen that the two poached ligers inside were their payment before taking off as Kong arrived. She narrowly avoided being grabbed by a leaping Kong before returning to Richard who fantasized about upgrading her with the money he would get from selling them. Botila declined, considering herself already state of the art.
"Snake in the Grass"
Botila remarked sarcastically at Richard's monitoring his old housekeeper Anita's phone during a conversation with her great niece, when Richard saw a rare Giant Anaconda on a video call that attacked the little girl. Richard then proclaimed that he would capture and sell it on the black market before sending Botila to do just that. She arrived at the Usumacincta river on the back of a Biono-bot pterodactyl just ahead of Lukas Remy and Kong. She allowed the two other pterodactyls to attack the ape while she pursued the anaconda. However, just as she began to attack, Kong appeared, and it slipped back under the water. Not believing Kong would be able to counter, Botila fired her steed's laser eyes at the beast, and he deflected the fire back into the pterodactyl with his new arm bands. With her mount damaged, Botila retreated, allowing Brag and Wheeler the poachers to take the prize instead. Later in Richard's laboratory, the doctor had managed to convert the snake into a cyborg Biono-bot completely under his control. Botila was skeptical as to its alleged indestructibility, and in response to this, Richard made the snake snap at her, which she did not enjoy. Alarms then sounded, and Botila confirmed that Kong had arrived. Richard had her send out another Biono-bot tyrannosaurus, which Lukas snagged in a laser net. Seeing this, Botila began hurdling toward him, only to be tackled by Doug Jones, whose momentum she used against him, and threw him to the ground. Lukas then shot her with a laser net, which caused her to malfunction. In the aftermath of the battle, Richard informed her that to prevent similar slip-ups in the future, he would be retrofitting all Biono-bots with new shielding tech on their power sources to prevent overloads, beginning with Botila. She stood in horror of the impending operation.
"Kong in 3D"
Botila steals diamonds while projecting a hologram of the fugitive King Kong as a distraction. She successfully steals several diamonds which Richard uses to coat some Biono-bots' teeth to make them into powerful mining machines. Botila then oversees them while they mine for weapons grade uranium in Mexico. King Kong and Lukas then arrive to stop her. Botila sends the holographic Kong and several Biono-bots at them, but her controlled is destroyed in the struggle. Botila then returns to Alcatraz, where Lukas' team projects their own holographic Kong to frighten Richard.
"Poacher's Prize"
Botila takes a Liger into the forest to keep it away from Doug Jones. She tries to kill him with her martial arts skills and superhuman strength, but he eventually tricks her into diving off a cliff. Her head comes off in this incident, and when she returns to Richard for repairs, he hides it out of her reach.
"King's Ransom"
Botila leaves a trail of radar pings for Lukas and his team to follow after she and Richard capture Amy Quon and attempt to get information from her. Richard tries to seduce her by offering her a position as his partner, which makes Botila jealous. she later fakes being defeated when Amy's friends come to rescue her in order to get rid of the competition, but not before placing a tracking device on her collar.
"Little Bots, Big Problems"
Botila is tasked with handing out toy monkeys to the children of military officials at the Remy Natural History Museum and Marine Reserve, so that when they sleep the monkeys will steal military helicopters. She later remotely controlled the stolen helicopters to attack Kong, and when he destroys them, Botila is tasked with disposing of them.
Against her will, Richard installed Malware into Botila that transferred her Artificial Consciousness into a Biono-bot Tyrannosaurus. When she tried to fight back and attack Richard for doing this, she was met with an electrical shock. She then fought with King Kong while in the Biono-bot body, but was eventually defeated, and Kong knocked her head off and sent it flying to where it nearly crushed Richard Remy. Doug Jones removed the Malware upon finding her body, and her consciousness returned. She then rescued Richard from under the Biono-bot head, but not after crushing him with it again. The two then flew back to Alcatraz where, against Botila's calculations, Richard planned to inlay his brain with Bionotech.
"Bionic Arms Race"
Doug Jones attempted to hack Botila to gain information on Richard, but Botila was able to keep him at bay. Doug then later challenged her to a duel on Alcatraz. As Botila rode a Biono-bot flying above Kong, the ape shot and destroyed it, and she fell into his hand. He took her to the top of the island's tower, where Doug threatened to have Kong drop or crush her, causing Botila to give him the Biono-bot shutdown code.
"Honey I Shrunk the Kong"
Botila shrank Kong by staging an emergency, and took him to Alcatraz. He escaped his prison, but Botila was able to stop him. She was quickly confronted by Doug Jones, whom she nearly killed, before being knocked off her Biono-bot by Danny Quon in a helicopter. After Richard threatened to render her obsolete by upgrading himself, Botila shrank him and terminated their relationship.
"Kong on Ice"
Botila and several Biono-bots were sent by Richard to the Arctic to melt the ice caps and find gold beneath them. Despite her warnings that the operation would attract Kong, Richard continues the work. He soon captures his brother and Doug Jones, whom he leaves with Botila, who allows them to escape, returning the favor she owed them from returning her to her proper body. Lukas and Doug left Richard stranded in the Arctic, and Botila put off rescuing him and accommodating him once he had been rescued, causing Richard to reveal to Botila that he had been doubting her trustworthiness, and was planning to replace her. he then prepared to force her to self-destruct, but Botila turned on him and deleted the codes, putting herself in control of the Biono-bots, and the new Botila.
After Richard attempted to halt Botila's creating more Botilas, She broke his Bionic arm and forced Richard to flee the island. Botila then sent Biono-bots after Richard using a tracker she had placed in his arm. Eventually, Richard returned to the island and was left to Botila by the friends he betrayed. Richard then revealed to Botila that he had installed a failsafe in his implants, that in the event of his death, Botila and all Biono-bots would be shut down. Botila then revealed that she had a similar failsafe, in which, upon her shutdown, all of Richard's bank accounts would be wiped, and evidence of his criminal activities would be publicly released. The two then called a truce and began to plan for the future.
Botila collects African Mosquitoes for Richard to build Robosquitoes based on, and remains on the island while they are launched on the city.
After intercepting a phone call between Lukas and his housekeeper Anita, Botila reveals to Richard that Kong is lost in West Africa, and the two go to find him. they attack Kong, Lukas, and his friends, before Botila steals a baby Gorilla to lure Kong up a volcano, where she destabilizes the ground beneath him and causes him to fall in, and after Richard pushes his brother and two children in, She in turn pushes Richard.
Martial arts
Botila is a skilled combatant programmed with mastery over every known martial art, and has five times the strength of a human.[1]
Biono-bot control
Using a module built into her forearm, Botila can control other Biono-bots remotely.
- Botila's Biono-botic life expectancy is 617.2 years
This is a list of references for Botila. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]
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