Amy Quon

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Amy Quon
Amy in Kong: King of the Apes
Species Human
Nationality Chinese
Occupation Veterinarian
Related to Danny Quon (Brother)
Unnamed grandmother
First appearance The Adventure Begins
Played by Shannon Chan-Kent

Dr. Amy Quon is a protagonist in the 2016 American kaiju show, Kong: King of the Apes.


Kong: King of the Apes

The Adventure Begins

When the world learned of Kong in 2049, Dr. Quon was fascinated by the prospect of working with him due to her being an anthropoid primate specialist veterinarian. Unable to contact Kong's caretaker Dr. Leo Remy, Amy took her younger brother Danny, who could talk to animals, and snuck onto Alcatraz island, where Kong was being kept. The ape grabbed them and took them to Dr. Remy, but her pleas and Danny's uncanny ability convinced the Remy family and their associates to allow them to stay. arrives on Alcatraz island with her brother Danny Quon, with hopes of becoming King Kong's veterinarian. They are then allowed to stay, because Dr. Leo Remy was looking for a veterinarian for Kong. Over the next year she became an important part of the rescue efforts at the island, now known as the Remy Natural History and Marine Preserve, even after Dr. Remy's death. She helped two ligers get comfortable on the island shortly before Lukas Remy took Danny to see the remains of the Amazon rainforest. That was when she and Doug Jones noted a shift in Kong's behavior. Kong soon began a rampage and escaped the island, but on reconvening in the redwood forests at Lukas' secret hideout, She removed his control collar, which had been causing the behavior. After word came that the ligers had escaped, Amy was able to use the tracking chips she implanted in them to locate them. However, she noted that Lady the mother liger's heart rate was dangerously high, suggesting she was very afraid of something. They tracked them to an army warehouse in south San Francisco, where they saw Botila stealing crates of weapons from inside. They were able to rescue the cats but were framed for the heist in the process. Amy however, managed not to be caught on camera, which allowed her to continue her public civilian life. Unfortunately, the stress on Lady's heart was too much for her to survive much longer after being rescued.

Snake in the Grass

After Lukas and Jonesy rescued a Giant Anaconda that had been captured by Richard and converted into a cyborg Biono-bot. On returning it to base, Amy was tasked with removing its implants, which she managed to do successfully, and was able to retrieve and return Francisca's swallowed slime-covered phone, the sight of which made Kong projectile snot on the ground before Remy and Jones prepared to return the snake to the wild, well out of Richard's reach.

Kong in 3D

Amy is present while the team confronts Kong about some sightings of him attacking Alcatraz Island, and then remains at the base for the remainder of the episode.

Poacher's Prize

Amy disables the "Biono-tech" in three cloned Ligers that the team liberated from Richard before they were relocated to live with a population of male tigers.

King's Ransom

On the way to a neutral location with supplies for Lukas and the team, Amy was kidnapped by Biono-bots and taken hostage. She was then interrogated by Richard Remy to learn the location of Lukas and Kong's hideout. When Amy resisted him, he attempted to seduce her, much to Botila's disapproval. The team eventually broke into Richard's facility and found a clue that Amy left for them. When they find her, Botila allows them to escape out of jealousy, but placed a tracking device on her collar.

Little Bots, Big Problems

Danny caught Amy up on their search for her, and the team discovered the tracking device, which Amy and Doug then take to China and place it on a duck. The two then spend the rest of the episode at Amy's grandmother's house.

Kong on Ice

Amy, Danny, and Kong sneak onto Alcatraz Island in order to rescue a baby seal. After they got it to safety, they traveled to the Arctic Circle to respond to a distress signal they had received from Doug Jones. When they arrive, they find Richard preparing to murder Lukas, but his lase malfunctions, and Lukas defeats him. Kong destroys the Biono-bots, and they all return to the base.


Amy visits the base in the forest after a successful mission by Lukas and Doug.


After Lukas becomes infected by Robosquitoes, Amy takes the team to West Africa in order to find African Mosquitoes with which to synthesize an antidote. SHe and Doug Jones then return to San Francisco to administer it to the other infected individuals.


Amy begins to fear for her brother's safety when a West African volcano becomes active. She then sheds tears as he appears to be murdered on national TV by Richard Remy, who pushed him, Lukas, and Francisca into the volcano.



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