Megumi Shion

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Megumi Shion / Metal Shion
Metal Shion in Guyferd
Megumi Shion in Guyferd
Species Human
Nationality Japanese
Height 152 centimeters[1]
Weight 80 kilograms[1]
Occupation Scientist
Related to Etsuko Shion (Mother, Deceased)
First appearance Guyferd Episode 1:
"The Birth of Guyferd!"
Played by Masako Takeda

Megumi Shion (紫苑恵,   Shion Megumi), later rechristened Metal Shion (メタル紫苑,   Metaru Shion), is a scientist character created by Toho who first appeared in episode 1 of the 1996 tokusatsu series, Guyferd titled "The Birth of Guyferd!."



"The Birth of Guyferd!"

After a horrible incident in the laboratory, Crown's current head of research on the Fallah parasite, Takeo Shiroishi, quit and was replaced by Shion as the head of research into the Fallah parasite. She was briefly introduced to her predecessor when he was being taken into Crown's custody as a prisoner. Later in a board meeting, a rival scientist named Minour presented his work in his Guyborg program, only for Shion to present security footage showing one Fallah-mutated human easily overpowering three Guyborgs, putting Fallah on the map for Crown's attempts to create the ultimate soldier. Later, after learning that an earlier experiment's brother Go had returned to Japan, she asked Bicross for permission to use him as a test subject in her program, only for him to be given to Minour instead. She was given a man named Michiyuki Taki, whom she exposed to the Fallah parasite despite his protests, and created the Mutian Jerks, promising to make him the strongest man in the world. When he escaped their custody, she ran to the board room to inform Bicross, and she planned to lock down K block and send in some Guyborgs to deal with the situation. Minour approved, and Shion pitched the operation as a competition between her Mutians and his Guyborgs.

"In Peril! Go"

On walking into the secret Crown elevator in the Frontier Science Technology Enterprise building, she inquired about the readiness of Doggross with another scientist before going to observe a Mutian surgery being performed on subject M17. Later during a board meeting it was decided by Bicross that Mutians would be Crown's elite task force, while Guyborgs would support them as footsoldiers. Minour took offense to this, prompting Shion to try and defend her position. Before she was able, M17 escaped containment and she ran to take care of the problem. She summoned Doggross to deal with the weaker mutant, but his obedience medication began to wear off, causing her to send him to containment. In the hallway, Bicross ordered her to work with Minour to create cybernetic brain modifications to all future Mutians. Doggross was sent out again without such modification to wait in a trap for Go Kazama. Go arrived according to plan, but unfortunately Doggross was still unmodified and began to falter when his medication wore off. Shion was watching the operation through a Crown Command Satellite, and called for the two Guyborgs lying in wait to collect and return him to Crown. There she was chastised for her recklessness in sending the Mutian out again, but she revealed that she had developed a new means of control. Doggross was then defeated by a mutant Go Kazama, which lead to Shion discovering in Shiroishi's research notes, a theoretical state known as "Guyferd" wherein the human host and Fallah are at a perfect symbiosis, and it was theorized that Go has entered that state.







This is a list of references for Megumi Shion. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]

  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 Toho Special Effects All Monster Encyclopedia. Shogakukan. 23 July 2014. p. 163. ISBN 4-096-82090-3.


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