Directed by
Hirochika Muraishi
"Crown's Ambition!" (クラウンの野望!, Kuraun no Yabō) is the ninth episode of Guyferd.
The episode begins with the protagonists trying to coax Go Kazama out of the bout of depression he feels from losing his brother Masato. Yu Kujo and Takeo Shiroishi leave for groceries, and Go "vents" his emotions to Rei Kujo. Go reveals that he is again questioning his humanity, and is again reassured that he has a good heart, and that makes him human. When the Kujos go home, Doctor Shiroishi tries to get Go to think about his future. The show cuts to Detective Yuji Nakano heading to another police officer's location who had requested backup. When he gets there, he is met with a partial Mutian. He tries to shoot it, but he does not have enough firepower on hand. It nearly kills Yuji, but the monster disintegrates before it can. Meanwhile Go, thinking he can leave his Guyferd identity behind, prepares to leave the city and resume his wandering. Detective Nakano is greatly upset that no-one believes him about the Mutian. Takeo explains that Go has left to Rei and Yu, and detective Nakano comes to tell them of his monster sighting. The protagonists try not to tell Yuji of Go's leaving, and they go to investigate the sighting. They begin to search for Fallah traces, and the show cuts back to Go. Go thinks he sees Megumi Shion, and begins to follow the woman across the city. in an elevator, Shion reveals to Go that she is now a cyborg. She leads Go down a secret passage hat leads him to Crown's new head Metal Master. Metal Master tricks Go into transforming, and Zodiac sends a soldier (Dragos) out to fight him. Guyferd however, has lost control over his ki, and Zodiac tries to get him to join Crown. Zodiac reveals his plan to Go: Zodiac wants to eliminate humans so that earth will not be destroyed by them. It is revealed by Zodiac that Dragos is a Metalferd: a Guyborg infected with Fallah, and so their powers are equal. Dragos nearly defeats Guyferd, and Zodiac allows Go to leave to think about his offer. Go returns home, only to discover Shiroishi's note, and decides that he is in danger. Shiroishi and Nakano discover Fallah traces from a sewer grate, but they are apprehended by a group of Fangs.
Weapons, vehicles, and races
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