Elle Brody

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Elle Brody
Elle Brody in Godzilla
Species Human
Nationality American
Occupation Nurse
Related to
First appearance Godzilla (2014)
Played by Elizabeth Olsen

Elle Brody is a nurse character who appears in Legendary Pictures' 2014 film Godzilla.


The Brody family name comes from Chief Martin Brody, the main character of Jaws.[1]




Elle Brody plays a minor role in the film, as she remains in America for most of it. She is first seen when her husband Ford returns from his job in the military. After Ford leaves for Japan, she is not seen again until after the MUTO escapes and she is calling to see if Ford is okay. She is seen again when San Fransisco is being evacuated and she leaves her son with a coworker to try and find Ford. She reunites with her family at the end of the film.

Family tree



This is a list of references for Elle Brody. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]

  1. Legendary (9 April 2020). "The Brody family is named after Martin Brody from Jaws. @BryanCranston compared the two films: "The film does not immediately show the beast, but rather builds up its appearance, while still delivering an eerie and terrifying off-screen presence." #MonsterverseWatchalong". Twitter. Archived from the original on 10 April 2020.


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