Bill Randa

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William Randa
Bill Randa in Kong: Skull Island
Young Bill Randa in Monarch: Legacy of Monsters
Species Human
Nationality American
Gender Male
Aliases W.J. Randa, Bill, Billy
Affiliation Monarch
Occupation Assistant professor of cryptozoology
Related to
First appearance Latest appearance
Kong: Skull Island Monarch: Legacy
of Monsters
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This planet doesn't belong to us. Ancient species owned this earth long before mankind and if we keep our heads buried in the sand, they will take it back.

— Bill Randa to Preston Packard after their party is stranded on Skull Island by Kong (Kong: Skull Island)

Assistant Professor William J. "Bill" Randa was a Monarch operative who first appeared in the 2017 Legendary Pictures film Kong: Skull Island. He reappeared in the 2023 Apple TV+ series Monarch: Legacy of Monsters.

The only survivor of an attack on the USS Lawton by the Ion Dragon, Randa joined the government organization Monarch in order to uncover the truth about the ancient superspecies that once ruled the world. Randa recruited geologist Houston Brooks into Monarch and organized an expedition to the supposed Hollow Earth emergence point of Skull Island in 1973. Randa perished on the island after the mission went awry, though his longstanding belief regarding the Hollow Earth hypothesis was ultimately proven correct.


As a senior operative of the mysterious government organization Monarch, Randa muscles both his team and a military escort onto a Landsat survey expedition to Skull Island. But the myth he’s chasing and his secret obsession with discovering the truth behind it could endanger the lives of everyone onboard.[1]



Kong: Skull Island

In 1943, Bill Randa was serving aboard the USS Lawton when it was attacked by a gigantic creature, leaving him the only survivor. The U.S. military officially claimed that the ship was sunk by enemy forces, despite Randa's firm belief that a monster was behind the attack. He became obsessed with proving that monsters existed, convinced that the ancient superspecies which once ruled the planet would return to reclaim it from humanity. By 1952, Randa joined the secretive government research group Monarch, which specialized in the search for Massive Unidentified Terrestrial Organisms, such as the one that sunk the Lawton. Randa’s fixation was the long-discredited Hollow Earth hypothesis, which claimed that there was a large subterranean space within the planet and that monsters lived within it. When a college student named Houston Brooks wrote about the Hollow Earth in his thesis, Randa took him under his wing into Monarch.

In 1973 during the closing days of the Vietnam War, Randa learned that a NASA satellite had provided the first overhead images of the fabled Skull Island, an uncharted island in the Pacific Ocean concealed by a perpetual storm. He and Brooks proposed a plan to Senator Al Willis to send a joint Landsat-Monarch expedition to the island to map and document it. Randa believed that Skull Island was an emergence point for the underground Hollow Earth ecosystem, hence potential proof of his beliefs. Willis was unconcerned about the matter despite Randa's insistence that the military's H-bomb tests in the 1950s were actually attempts to kill a giant monster. Brooks ultimately appealed to Willis under the idea that the Soviets would send men to the island if they didn't do it first. After securing funding and transport, Randa and Brooks personally recruited former British SAS tracker James Conrad to help lead the ground expedition. Conrad was pessimistic about the mission until Randa and Brooks offered substantial payment.

Randa and Brooks brought in a Monarch biologist, Lin San, and boarded the transport ship Athena bound for Skull Island. The expedition was formally headed by Landsat's Victor Nieves, and escorted by the U.S. Army's Sky Devils helicopter squadron under the command of Colonel Preston Packard. Antiwar photographer Mason Weaver was involved in the mission as well. When the Athena reached the storm surrounding Skull Island, Nieves insisted to call off the mission but was rebutted by Randa, who convinced Packard to lead them through the storm. The Sky Devils' choppers managed to surpass the storm before coming upon land covered in mountains and jungle. Under Randa's orders, the choppers began dropping seismic charges in order to map the island's terrain, revealing the underground to be virtually hollow. However, the charges attracted Kong, the self-appointed 104-foot-tall ape guardian of the island. Infuriated by the resulting damage to his home and the inevitable awakening of the Skullcrawlers below, Kong wasted no time wiping out the expedition's choppers, causing many casualties. Randa was separated from Brooks and San, being stranded with Packard's men. Packard confronted Randa at gunpoint and demanded answers. He confessed his affiliation with Monarch and the nature of the mission, acknowledging that their encounter with Kong proved his obsession with monsters correct. He urged Packard to get them all off of the island so they could bring proof of what happened to the rest of the world.

Randa and the others traversed the dangerous environment of the island, encountering many deadly creatures such as the Mother Longlegs and Leafwing. Randa was awestruck upon seeing a bloody handprint left on the side of a cliff by Kong, illustrating the beast's colossal size. Eventually Randa's group reunited with Brooks', who had picked up pilot Hank Marlow, who became stranded on the island in 1944. While Conrad urged everyone to approach the extraction point at the edge of the island, Packard insisted that they needed to rescue his man Jack Chapman first. The party entered a mass graveyard on the island, known as the Valley of the Fallen Gods. Randa began taking photographs of the various remains of dead organisms. Unfortunately, a juvenile Skullcrawler came upon the group. The flash on Randa's camera malfunctioned, drawing the Skullcrawler behind him. Realizing the creature’s position, Randa merely remarked, "Oh shit," before being eaten alive.

Monarch: Legacy of Monsters

To be added.


Family tree

Hiroshi's fatherKeiko RandaBill Randa
Caroline RandaHiroshi RandaEmiko Randa
Cate RandaKentaro Randa



Kong: Skull Island

Monarch: Legacy of Monsters


Kong: Skull Island

Monarch: Legacy of Monsters

Promotional stills
Promotional stills
"Secrets and Lies"
Promotional stills
"The Way Out"
Promotional stills



This is a list of references for Bill Randa. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]


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