Mayumi Nagamine
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Mayumi Nagamine (長峰 真弓 is a fictional ornithologist who first appeared as a supporting character in the Nagamine Mayumi)1995 Daiei film Gamera the Guardian of the Universe, and later returned as the protagonist in Gamera 3: Revenge of Iris. She also made an appearance in Dark Horse's comic book sequel to Gamera the Guardian of the Universe.
Gamera the Guardian of the Universe
Nagasaki police inspector Tsutomu Osako called upon Nagamine to help with the investigation following the disappearance of a university professor on Himegami Island, as the professor had reportedly been documenting a newly discovered large species of bird. Finding the island's village destroyed and abandoned, Nagamine volunteered to examine a massive pile of excrement left behind, and found multiple bones as well as the professor's glasses. Nagamine was determined to follow other evidence into the hills of the island, much to Osako's protest. However, a giant bat-like creature flew overhead, causing the investigators to hastily return to the village. As dusk approached, however, three of the giant creatures began to leave the island, prompting Osako and Nagamine to give chase in a helicopter, with Nagamine opening the aircraft's door and demanding the pilot fly closer to one. When she took a photo with her camera, the nearest creature pulled away, with the other two following suit.
Upon her return to the mainland, Nagamine was approached by government officials, who decided they wished for the creatures to be captured alive. Tasked with creating a plan for their capture, she devised a plan in which the creatures would be lured to the Fukuoka Dome with raw meat before being contained within the dome and tranquilized. All three creatures entered the dome, with one attempting to lunge at Nagamine and officials before being stunned and heavily sedated along with one other creature. However, the third animal realized the trap and managed to escape the dome before being summarily killed by a giant monster that seemed to be attracted by the creatures' presence. As the monster began to destroy the dome, Nagamine and volunteer investigator Yoshinari Yonemori escaped and watched as the remaining two creatures escaped it's wrath.
Soon after, Nagamine examined DNA evidence from the animals, which translators had found were named Gyaos. She discovered that all of the Gyaos were female, and contained no excess chromosomes, making them genetically impossible through evolution. Her colleagues informed her that the Gyaos must have been created by the same Atlantean civilization that created Gamera, the giant monster seen in Fukuoka. They concluded that the Gyaos may have been able to change their gender to reproduce, with disastrous results. Upon a return trip to Himegami island, Nagamine found a nest, as well as evidence suggesting the Gyaos ate their siblings to survive. Due to this, she determined that the three Gyaos found on the island must have been the only remaining members of the nest.
Some days later, Nagamine visited a village where a Gyaos had been sighted, with Yonemori and insurance investigator Naoya Kusanagi both rushing to find her. While helping a young boy across a bridge, Nagamine tripped, requiring assistance from Yonemori. Just as a Gyaos menaced the trio, Gamera appeared and defeated it before defending them from a second Gyaos' attack. Following this, Nagamine, Yonemori and Kusanagi realized Gamera was benevolent in his intentions while the Gyaos posed a significant threat to humanity. Though Nagamine tried to convey this to the government, they nonetheless approved JSDF mobilization against Gamera.
After Gamera was attacked and forced to retreat, Nagamine and Yonemori visited Kusanagi and his unconscious daughter Asagi, and told the former that his daughter was telepathically linked to Gamera through her Matagama necklace, as evidenced by her wounds and deep sleep corresponding to Gamera's afflictions. Kusanagi was very distressed by this, and refused to accept it. Later, Nagamine and Yonemori pondered the situation at a bar, with Nagamine musing that Gamera must have been engineered by the Atlanteans to combat the Gyaos, their earlier creation gone awry. She then offered speculation that the Gyaos were similar to pollution in regard to the environment, and may have emerged due to the earth's condition.
When the last remaining Gyaos, now developed into Super Gyaos from consuming humans and animals, touched down in Tokyo, Nagamine was present for the planning of a strike against it. She noticed it had developed shield plates over its eyes just as the JSDF's attack failed and created a nest for the monster in the ruins of Tokyo Tower. The next day, Nagamine boarded a helicopter with Kusanagi, Asagi, and Yonemori to observe Gamera fighting Super Gyaos in the air. After Gamera combated and later defeated the beast with his high plasma attack, Nagamine expressed concern more Gyaos nests could exist, and that Gamera wouldn't necessarily be there to help. However, Asagi stated he would return.
Gamera 3: Revenge of Iris
To be added
Issue #1
One year after the events of Gamera the Guardian of the Universe, Mayumi was summoned to Guanajota, Mexico by millionaire Patty Smith, on account of her allegedly having seen an Emerald-Crested Dapplinger, a bird believed to have been extinct for decades. Smith paid for Mayumi to fly over, and she was accompanied by her friend Asagi Kusanagi. Smith thought it best to not allow Kusanagi to the island to prevent word of an alleged Dapplinger getting out, which Mayumi thought was reasonable. As they sailed to Smith's private island, they resolved to wait to search for the bird until morning when it would be most active. Their driver, Gusano made a point about searching during the light, which Smith brushed off as a fear of the dark brought on by a recent tangle with a nocturnal creature upon Mayumi's inquiry. As they walked through the jungle, Mayumi looked at the evening sky through her binoculars, she saw the outline of what she thought was Gyaos, before writing this possibility off as impossible. She then suggested that the group keep their eyes low, as the Dapplinger's size would have meant it would leave large droppings. Just as she said this, they came upon an enormous pile with human bones and a pair of glasses visible. With her suspicions of Gyaos' return confirmed, Mayumi ordered them to call Mainland Authorities. She explained to them that the Gyaos that had attacked Tokyo one year before, had been killed and its remains had been sealed in laboratories, and so somehow, another member of the Gyaos species had emerged. When Gusano went to radio Guanajota, Mayumi explained to Patty that Gyaos was essentially living weaponry that was indestructible to all weapons except for one that had been engineered to destroy them. Mayumi guessed that the nocturnal Gyaos was headed for Guanajota to feed, and Smith lead her into a back room of their camp, where she revealed that she had grown Gyaos from a piece of DNA from the original Gyaos sold to them on the black market. There were several other mutants in jars, but Gusano reported that Gyaos had grown too big and escaped. Smith then unmasked herself as Greta Karbone, a known lunatic biologist that had faked her death to ensure her privacy. Karbone then revealed her plan for Mayumi: She was to help them to create Supermonsters from Gyaos' DNA.
Issue #2
Mayumi was kept in the lab, and Gusano began to apologize for the situation, just before Karbone entered to inform Nagamine that Gamera had incinerated Gyaos in Guanajota harbor, and tried to pass this off as if there had been no damage done. Mayumi however, reminded her that because the Gyaos clone was her creation, and that the damages and loss of life it caused were her responsibility. KArbone reminds her that her proposal had been to create controllable monsters, but Nagamine shut her down by claiming that monsters could not be controlled, as they had minds of their own. Karbone was furious at this and stormed out, ordering Gusano to tie her to her chair. While he had his back turned, Nagamine opened the valve on a tank of oxygen and asked how he had met Karbone. After telling his story, and about how she had come to value a mutation called Viras more than him, Nagamine said she would help them with their project to allow Karbone more time with Gusano. Gusano thanked her, but when he turned to call for Dr. Karbone, Mayumi stole his flare gun, and apologized before firing a shot into the Oxygen-rich air, triggering an explosion she barely escaped.
Issue #3
On her escape, Nagamine reported her findings to the United Nations Supermonster Task Force, who sent her to Paris, France to interrogate a man named Lutz, who had been attacked at sea by another monster three weeks earlier. He recognized Nagamine's name and asked her about Asagi, who had made a full recovery since she and Lutz had last seen one another. After explaining that Asagi had been kept out of the coverage of the original Gyaos attack had been to protect the girl's anonymity, she showed him a file on Karbone and Gusano, and reported that the theory was that the beast that had attacked him had been one of their creations. Lutz did not recognize them, and told the story of Zigra's defeat at the hands of Gamera. Lutz then asked if she would set him free, but Mayumi's position did not allow her that authority. He then tried to trade Asagi's amulet for his freedom, but was hit in the face by the guard, who turned out to be Gusano, who took the amulet, and knocked Lutz to the floor when he tried to get it back. After falling onto Nagamine, they were teleported to the spaceship of an alien visitor called Freena, who came with a proposal for Mayumi, whom she believed to be Earth's foremost Supermonster expert, and had accidentally scooped Lutz up with her. She had been sent from her home planet to retrieve Zigra, but was now offering to instead take back any other Supermonsters they might have. Before the humans could respond, the ship was shaken by something outside. It turned out to be the now fully-grown Viras, which Freena decided to salvage in Zigra's stead before Lutz pointed out that Gamera was flying in, and would likely destroy it. However, Mayumi noted that Gamera began defending Viras from incoming missiles, but at that time, Freena informed them that the engine had been damaged and was about to overheat.
Issue #4
As Freena rerouted the ship's coolant to the engine, Nagamine noted that Gamera would not go against humanity and harm Viras of its own accord. Freena then discovered an energy trail flowing between Gamera and the Eiffel Tower, and closer investigation revealed that it was coming from Gusano and Karbone. Nagamine demanded to be teleported to them to deal with the problem, and neither Lutz nor Freena argued. However, the engine damage had affected the teleporter, and caused Mayumi to miss her mark and fall. Gusano caught her, and bade her to quickly give him a reason not to drop her, recalling her earlier trickery. She asked him to notice the change in Greta. He revealed to her his suspicions of Viras' having brainwashed her, and Nagamine pointed out that Viras did not care for her the way he did, and suspected that it would discard or destroy her when she was no longer necessary. With this in mind, Gusano climbed up to Greta to tend to Greta, and left Mayumi on one of the tower's observation platforms. After Gamera defeated Viras, With lengthy explanations, Mayumi was able to arrange for Lutz's release, and when she asked what he would do now, Lutz supposed that he would return to his dog in Guanajota. Nagamine and Lutz walked through Paris, and Mayumi peered through her binoculars for birds.
Mayumi in Gamera
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