Alexandra Springer

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Alexandra Springer
Audrey Timmonds is interrupted by Alexandra Springer in S.C.A.L.E.
Species Human
Nationality American
Occupation Eco-terrorist
Allies S.C.A.L.E.
Enemies American military, H.E.A.T., Godzilla
First appearance Godzilla: The Series episode 24: "S.C.A.L.E."
Played by Linda Blair

Alexandra Springer is the main antagonist in the 1999 episode of Godzilla: The Series: "S.C.A.L.E.".


Godzilla: The Series


Alexandra Springer was the leader of the Servants of Creatures Arriving Late to Earth, or S.C.A.L.E, a mutation-focused splinter group of a reputable animal rights group that became an eco-terrorist group thanks to Alexandra's extensive military training. Eventually, she orchestrated an attack on Monster Island to set all of the monsters on it free. She learned of Monster Island's location by putting a tracker on Audrey Timmonds, who stowed away on a ship bound for it. She and the rest of S.C.A.L.E. then invaded the island and used gas grenades to knock out the guards on the way to the control room, where Alexandra turned off all of the island's security measures, such as the barriers keeping the monsters in separate habitats and their power-inhibiting collars that kept them from destroying the buildings. She then called Timmonds to the control room to film a documentary on S.C.A.L.E. and their ideals. Timmonds saved Alexandra's life when the Giant Bat and Skeetera crashed into the control room, but she was intent on letting the mutations take her life if it would please them. While the two waited in the wreckage of the control room, they were found by military forces. Alexandra sprung for the island's self-destruct button, but before she can push it she was captured and arrested. Alexandra and Timmonds met again while she was in prison, and the reporter tried to ask her about a compact disk she had given her before she was taken away. Alexandra told her that it is the security camera feed from Monster Island, and it contained their entire conversation on it. She urged Timmonds to use it to spread the word about the cause, after which she was taken back to her cell.



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Godzilla: The Series