Saeko Matsumiya

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Saeko Matsumiya
Saeko Matsumiya
Species Human
Nationality Japanese
Aliases Reiko, Riko
Related to Tadashi Matsumiya (father)
First appearance Son of Godzilla
Played by Bibari Maeda
Lucy Martin (voice; Titan Productions English dub)

Saeko Matsumiya (松宮サエコ,   Matsumiya Saeko) is a character who appeared in the 1967 Godzilla film Son of Godzilla.


Saeko's name is changed to Reiko (or sometimes Riko) in international releases of Son of Godzilla.


Showa era

Son of Godzilla

Saeko was born on Sollgel Island to Professor Tadashi Matsumiya and his wife, the latter of whom died shortly after her birth. Dr. Matsumiya passed away in 1960, leaving his daughter to live by herself on the island. When United Nations researchers arrived on the island in 1967, Saeko hid from them, making them believe that the island was uninhabited. She was later discovered by journalist Goro Maki, but hid before he could make contact with her. She formed a friendship with Godzilla's newborn son Minilla, and could attract him by calling him. She was later discovered by the team after stealing clothes off the line at the scientists' camp. Maki tracked her down and entered her cave, but slipped and fell unconscious until she returned. She at first mistook Goro for a thief seeking to steal her father's notebook, but later realized he had just come for his shirt, which he then gave to her. After the scientists' camp was destroyed, she allowed them to be sheltered in her cave. Shortly after, some of the men fell victim to a virus, for which Saeko knew the cure. She and Goro set out to recover it from a lake near Godzilla's temporary home on the island, and nearly woke the giant spider Kumonga in the process. Shortly after the cure was administered and the men had recovered, Saeko was attacked by a Kamacuras. She called to Minilla, and he in turn attracted Godzilla when he could not overcome the creature himself. Goro escorted her to safety, only for the pair to be attacked by Kumonga. She and Goro escaped back to the cave where the scientists had decided to leave the island. She and Goro were then sent to put up a radio antenna on top of the cave so that they could call for help. She, Goro, and the scientists were later picked up by a United Nations submarine, while Godzilla and Minilla fell into hibernation together after defeating Kumonga while the island froze over.



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