Yuichi Goto

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Yuichi Goto
Yuichi Goto
Species Human
Nationality Japanese
Occupation Logging company manager
Related to Taiki Goto (Son),
Wakaba Goto (Daughter),
Makiko Goto (wife)
First appearance Rebirth of Mothra
Played by Kenjiro Nashimoto
Henry Coombs (voice; Omni Productions English dub)

Yuichi Goto is a main character in the 1996 Mothra film Rebirth of Mothra.


Heisei era

Rebirth of Mothra

Yuichi worked for a logging company in Hokkaido that was often under "attack" by environmentalists. Yuichi removed the Seal of Elias from a shrine that was discovered in one of the company's forests as a gift for his daughter. The discovery of said shrine caused a media uproar that forced Yuichi to return to the work-site shortly after returning to his home. When Yuichi arrived at the site, he was possessed by Belvera, who forced him to take the company's dynamite and blow up the shrine to release Desghidorah.

Yuichi and his family were taken to a local hospital after Mothra is defeated, where they receive treatment for wounds sustained while searching for each other in the forest where Desghidorah was sealed.

After Desghidorah was defeated by Mothra Leo, Yuichi re-united with his family. While Yuichi's children were riding Mothra Leo, Yuichi and his wife discuss the environment and what people can do to save it. Both agreed that it may not be in their lifetime.


Yuichi is shown to be level headed and caring. Even though he is not always at home with his family, it is clear that they all still care very much about each other. It is Yuichi's belief that the waste of paper is wrong. Even when he is reminded that he makes his living making paper, he claims that that is not a reason to waste it. Yuichi believes that the environment can be saved by hard work and effort.


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