Misato Jinguji

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Misato Jinguji
Misato in Godzilla Island
Species Human
Nationality Japanese
Occupation Doctor
Related to
Allies Beisuke Jinguji, Lucas, monsters of Godzilla Island
Enemies Randeth
First appearance Godzilla Island
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Misato Jinguji (神宮司 ミサト,   Jingūji Misato) is the daughter of G-Guard Commander Beisuke Jinguji and the second female lead in Godzilla Island. She arrived to help defend the island after Torema's departure, and works as a doctor for the monsters.


To be added.


Heisei era

Godzilla Island

To be added.


Kaiju communication

Like Torema, Misato can understand and communicate with Godzilla Island's kaiju. She learned this skill in her doctoral training.


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