Erika Shiragami

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Erika Shiragami
Erika Shiragami in Godzilla vs. Biollante
Species Human
Nationality Japanese
Occupation Botanist
Related to Genichiro Shiragami (father),
Biollante (cell recipient)
First appearance Godzilla vs. Biollante
Played by Yasuko Sawaguchi
How long have we been living in such an age? Perhaps it began when man first stepped out of the Garden of Eden. Try to think about that one more time.

— Erika's closing narration (Godzilla vs. Biollante)

Erika Shiragami (白神 英理加,   Shiragami Erika) was the daughter of Genichiro Shiragami who appeared in the 1989 Godzilla film, Godzilla vs. Biollante. Her cells were components of the kaiju Biollante, which retained Erika's consciousness.


Heisei era

Godzilla vs. Biollante

Erika was the daughter of Botanical Bioengineer Genichiro Shiragami, and worked together with him at the Okouchi foundation, for years, studying ways to engineer plants resistant to drought. Back at university, Erika was fond of telling her friend Asuka Okouchi that one day roses would bloom across the desert. Erika’s ambition to make plants that grow in the desert couldn’t get approved in Japan’s conservative society, so she and her father moved to Saradia, as they have the most advanced Biotechnology Institute in the world and were eager to accept their work for their vast deserts. Erika successfully spliced cactus genes into a strain of wheat, but it wasn’t reproducing enough to allow it to grow successfully in the desert. When her father explained the incredible properties of Godzilla cells to their boss, they sent in an agent of the Saradia Secret Service to appropriate Godzilla cells from the Japanese government. While Erika was starting work on studying the Godzilla cells to splice into the wheat, the American corporation Bio-Major planted a bomb at the lab in an attempt to sabotage Shiragami's research using Godzilla cells. Erika was killed in the attack, and her grief-stricken father gave up his research and returned to his native Japan to live in solitude near Lake Ashi. Five years later, in an attempt to keep Erika alive in some form, Shiragami used his scientific prowess to splice some of her cells into a rosebush, as his daughter had loved roses. Shiragami called in a favor from he and Erika’s old boss’s daughter Asuka, who works at the Japan Psyonics Center to have her young psychic prodigy Miki Saegusa try and communicate with the roses, but she reported nothing except for faintly hearing a girl call Asuka's name.

When Mount Mihara began to erupt, the resulting earthquake destroyed the terrarium containing the rosebush, causing most of the roses to die. Believing his beloved daughter would be gone forever if he did not act, Shiragami volunteered to join the Okouchi Foundation and the Special Disaster Research Council’s team to engineer an anti-Godzilla bioweapon from Godzilla's cells for the JSDF, on the condition that he could keep a sample of the cells in his laboratory. Shiragami successfully spliced Godzilla's cells into the surviving rose, hoping their regenerative abilities would keep the rose containing his daughter's spirit alive forever. The rose survived and began growing rapidly, with the G-cells becoming an overwhelming influence on its cell division. After two Bio-Major agents and the Saradian assassin SSS9 raided Shiragami's lab to steal his notes on the Anti-Nuclear Energy Bacteria, the rose began to move and attacked them before fleeing the laboratory. The bizarre hybrid creature took root in Lake Ashi and grew to 85 meters in height. Shiragami named his creation Biollante, after a plant spirit from Norse mythology. Miki noted that she could sense a voice coming from Biollante calling out for Asuka, which Asuka realized must be Erika's spirit. Biollante began crying out from the lake, drawing the attention of Godzilla, freshly released from Mt. Mihara. When Godzilla arrived, Erika's consciousness lost control of Biollante, which became a violent cross between Godzilla and a plant. Biollante attacked Godzilla, but Godzilla overpowered her and set her ablaze. However, the G-cells granted Biollante true immortality, as she broke apart into a cloud of energy spores and floated away. Biollante later returned in her more Godzilla-like final form and attacked again Godzilla at Wakasa Bay, raising his body temperature to the point that the ANEB took effect and caused him to pass out. Badly wounded in the battle, Biollante broke apart into spores of energy once again and floated up into outer space, with Erika's face becoming visible among the spores. As Biollante departed, Miki, Asuka, and Shiragami looked on, with Miki reporting that she heard Erika's spirit within Biollante telling them "thank you." Shiragami stepped forward and called out his daughter's name, but was shot and killed by SSS9.




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