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Torema as she appears in Introducing Torema
Species Humanoid alien from Planet Torendeiru
Related to Deceased parents
First appearance Godzilla Island episode 1,
"Attack of the Massive UFO!"
Played by Mayumi Okuwa
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I'm looking for a poison-spitting hag named Zagreth who sucks at disguises.

— Torema insulting Zagreth (Godzilla Island episode 43, "An Ominous Feeling")

Torema (トレマ,   Torema) is an alien from Planet Torendeiru who appears in the 1997 television series Godzilla Island, starring in the show's eponymous first story arc Introducing Torema.

Torema's homeworld was destroyed when the Xiliens, led by Zagreth and assisted by King Ghidorah, used Berserker Wave Towers to turn a local population of monsters against the people of the planet. After regretfully killing one of the monsters, Jigora, Torema fled to Earth, potentially the last of her kind. She lived on Godzilla Island for some time, helping to protect the monsters from Zagreth's onslaught. Torema departed from the show in episode 125 to defeat Zagreth once and for all, but returned in the final story arc.


Torema's laser pistol and gun are both portrayed by Generation 1 The Transformers toys in gun mode: Shockwave and Megatron, respectively.


Torema is a cheerful young woman, often smiling and joking, but she was deeply affected by the loss of her homeworld, which is shown by her grudge against Zagreth and her affection for Godzilla and Junior, who remind her of Jigora. Torema is rather ruthless in a fight, and she was ready to kill Zagreth inside of Hyper Mecha-King Ghidorah.

In early episodes, Torema had a colder and more ruthless personality, but over time she softened up and grew kinder, including towards Lucas and Commander Beisuke Jinguji.


Heisei era

Godzilla Island

To be added.

Abilities and equipment

Kaiju communication

Torema is able to understand many of the kaiju on Godzilla Island, even conversing with Junior without any external equipment.

Pistol and swords

Torema uses a handheld energy pistol, although it cannot inflict much damage. She also wields two swords made from unknown crystalline-like material, but usually keeps them on the Panna Torte.

Miracle Psychokinesis

As member of the Torendeiru race, Torema can use a Miracle Psychokinesis ability. It can affect monsters' minds and is potent enough to harm King Ghidorah, but also harms the user and decreases their lifespan.


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