Sandra Brody

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Sandra Brody
Sandra Brody in Godzilla
Species Human
Nationality American
Affiliation Janjira Nuclear Energy Facility
Occupation Nuclear regulations consultant
Related to
First appearance Godzilla (2014)
Played by Juliette Binoche

Sandra Brody is a scientist character who appears in Legendary Pictures' 2014 film Godzilla.


The Brody family name comes from Chief Martin Brody, the main character of Jaws.[1]




Sandra first appeared in 1999, 15 years prior to the main events of the film, when Joseph was on the phone in his office, with their son Ford waiting outside with a "Happy Birthday" banner, intending to surprise his father. Before heading to work at the nuclear power plant in Janjira, Sandra and Joe took Ford to school, where she wished Joe a happy birthday before sharing a tender moment.

Under Joe's supervision, Sandra assembled a small team to perform a damage check at the power plant's core, after the plant starts to experience seismic activity. During the breach, she attempted to evacuate her team to safety, at Joe's insistence. Unable to make it out in time before Joe was forced to shut the door, she became a casualty of the nuclear accident, along with her entire team. Joe sees his wife for the final time behind the glass window separating him from her before the bulkhead shuts her away and the power plant collapses. Both her son and husband were left distraught by her death.

Family tree




This is a list of references for Sandra Brody. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]

  1. Legendary (9 April 2020). "The Brody family is named after Martin Brody from Jaws. @BryanCranston compared the two films: "The film does not immediately show the beast, but rather builds up its appearance, while still delivering an eerie and terrifying off-screen presence." #MonsterverseWatchalong". Twitter. Archived from the original on 10 April 2020.


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