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Nanbara in Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla
Species Human
Nationality Japanese
Affiliation INTERPOL
Occupation Undercover agent
Related to Tamura (Partner)
First appearance Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla
Played by Shin Kishida

Nanbara (南原) was an INTERPOL agent that appeared in the 1974 Toho film Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla. He trailed Keisuke Shimizu and Saeko Kanagusuku from Okinawa to Tokyo, constantly shadowing them as well as Black Hole Alien agent Yanagawa.


Showa era

Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla

His original cover story is that he is a freelance reporter or "scandal hunter".During Keisuke and Saeko's trip back to Okinawa, Nanbara revealed that he was an Interpol agent when he killed Yanagawa, stopping him from stealing the statue of King Caesar that Keisuke and Saeko had with them. Subsequently, Nanbara helped Keisuke rescue his brother, Professor Miyajima and Miyajima's daughter from the clutches of the aliens. Nanbara has a cigarette smoking habit.


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