Claire Plangman
Claire Plangman is a protagonist in IDW Publishing's 2012 comic series Godzilla.
Godzilla (2012 comic) #2
Claire and her colleagues were posted in Yongsan Garrison in Seoul when Battra attacked, leaving her as the only survivor. Boxer recruited her for her expertise in inventing anti-kaiju technology, but she had to wait for two days without food or water in the bunker he and his teammates Irving Jassim and Harrison. Plangman's greatest invention was the Headache Beam, which they planned to use to defeat monsters by luring them into traps. The group then stole a helicopter and few to Edinburgh, Scotland where Boxer demanded seven billion pounds from the minister of defense to take out Anguirus who was destroying the city. Urv then hurled plastic explosives at it and it began to chase them. Boxer then had Plangman use her Headache Beam on the monster, but Anguirus knocked the car over and broke the weapon.
Godzilla (2012 comic) #3
After being nearly killed by Anguirus in Edinburgh, Scotland,the Headache Beam device wss destroyed when Anguirus ran into the group's van. Claire was able to repair it, and Boxer fired the weapon at the monster and kept it in the beam long enough for Urv to set off plastic explosives in the sewers, and forcing Anguirus into a dormant volcano beneath the city. They then become known as the Monster Kill Crew. They then defeated Kumonga and Claire was able to take her revenge on Battra with her new lighter Headache guns. Boxer then suggested that they go after Godzilla, which Claire criticized him for, believing that he just wanted more money for killing a bigger monster. They then received word that Titanosaurus was attacking Tokyo, a city much closer to them than Godzilla, and headed toward it only to be attacked by Rodan on the way there.
Godzilla (2012 comic) #4
Boxer fired two Headache beams at Rodan, but a flap of its wings sent the helicopter veering off course until it was lodged into a building. Boxer then decided to influence Rodan and Titanosaurus to fight, which he and Plangman did with headache beams while Urv and Harrison prepared explosives to drop onto them when they were worn out. They dropped the high grade explosives onto the monsters, which brought the building they were under down on top of them. Boxer then learned that Godzilla was attacking San Diego, and Plangman voices strong concerns that Godzilla's biology was too different from monsters they had encountered for the Headache beams to work and accused Boxer of being motivated by greed. Boxer then revealed to the group that money was never his motivation, but it did help to buy more bombs and traps all to the ultimate end of destroying Godzilla once and for all.
Godzilla (2012 comic) #5
While attending the unveiling of a new anti-Godzilla weapon, Urv urged them to fall back to plan an attack while Harrison found them transportation. Boxer noticed that Harrison could not see Godzilla's tail swinging toward him and broke the jeep's window to pull Harrison out, acknowledging for the first time in years that he was Harrison's father. The financier of the anti-Godzilla weapon that turned out to be a new Mechagodzilla then attacked Godzilla, but inexperience and overconfidence led to his quick defeat, much to Boxer's amusement. The team was then covered by press agents before they were arrested by military police.
Godzilla (2012 comic) #6
After being arrested by the United States government, Boxer and his team that the media had dubbed the "Kill Crew" were taken before Japanse billionaire Ms. Murakami, mother of Gwen Murakami that Boxer had lost in D.C.. She had since lost an arm and a crude comment on Boxer's part about it got him and the team locked in holding cells, but it was all part of his plan. Urv then removed a small amount of C4 explosives from a false molar, and a fuse out of his nose to make their escape. After commandeering a car, Plangman discovered that Mothra had surfaced between them and Godzilla and that her priestesses the Shobijin were going to speak to the United Nations that day. Their responses were cryptic, and the group encountered Mothra blocking their path. They tried to drive past her, but she targeted Plangman and she was thrown out of the car after being hit by a beam of purpple lightning and receiving a vision of Hedorah, SpaceGodzilla, and Gigan. Meanwhile, Harrison and Urv broke into the U.N. Summit and threatened to kill the Shobijin if they did not call Mothra off. The Shobijin subtly implied that they would regret it before Mothra flew away from Boxer and Plangman, who began to suspect that the kaiju may have been in the right the whole time.
Godzilla (2012 comic) #7
After reaching Vancouver, Canada, where Boxer was sure Godzilla would strike next, the crew went into hiding and waited for weeks. Nearly a month into their wait, Godzilla appeared in the bay. Plangman and Harrison then took the mobile Headache Beam to lure Godzilla into the city while Boxer climbed up a building to detonate the charged that Urv had buried all over Vancouver. The intention was to send Godzilla on a path that would lead him to a dormant volcano that would incinerate him if destroyed and the lava got out. Plangman got the area evacuated, but just as Godzilla began to head for the volcano, an unidentified helicopter, carrying Asuka Hikari, dropped a gas payload that drew Godzilla away. Boxer told Urv to stop the bombs, but the chain reaction had already begun, and the only way to stop it was to sever the fuses manually. Urv was able to stop most of the bombs, and kept the lava inside tha volcano, saving Vancouver in the process. Boxer then swore to find the helicopter that had killed his dear friend.
Godzilla (2012 comic) #8
While running from Godzilla, Boxer ordered the fractured Kill Crew to to split up in the dust and rubble. Boxer then saw the helicopter, but Godzilla was about to crush either Harrison or Claire. In a split-second decision Boxer dove for his son, leaving Plangman to an uncertain fate. Boxer then tried to get Harrison to speak to him, but he could not. Not knowing this, Boxer began to search for Plangman in the rubble. Shortly after, four monsters: Gigan, Hedorah, SpaceGodzilla, and Monster X descended from the sky.
Godzilla (2012 comic) #12
After surviving the encounter with Godzilla in Vancouver, Plangman began to work on her Headache Beam to turn it into the ultimate weapon against the monsters, and she was able to track down Boxer, Harrison, and their new teammate Asuka Hikari and bring them the news.
Godzilla (2012 comic) #13
The team began to work the new Headache Beam, now rechristened "The Skullsplitter", but the battle between Godzilla and Keizer Ghidorah proved to be an obstacle in keeping the helicopter steady. Rodan then arrived to help Godzilla, and the team fired he beam at one of Ghidorah's heads as the other monsters kept the others occupied. Keizer Ghidorah managed to redirect the Skullsplitter beam back at the team, but the damage done by it to Ghidorah in combination with a screech from Rodan blasted off its leftmost head. The center head then dove for Godzilla's neck, and the monster was able to redirect its right head to sever it, and blasted its last remaining head before retreating. Not wanting to let his revenge go unfulfilled, attempted to hit Godzilla with the Skullsplitter, but his hide was too tough to penetrate. Then, bidding Claire to tell Harrison that proud of him and did not want him to live in a world with Godzilla, he leapt into the monster's open mouth and fired the weapon, causing Godzilla to collapse into the sea. After Boxer's funeral, Harrison asked Plangman and Hikari to reform their team because he believed that the monster's were not yet gone.
Claire showing her upgraded Headache Beam
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