Yoshiyasu Matsubara
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Colonel Yoshiyasu Matsubara (
A colonel of the JGSDF, he is on the front lines of national defense. He has a straightforward and serious personality. He enjoys being in the field, and despite his administrative position, he is on-site more than anyone.
(陸上自衛隊一佐。国防の最前線を担う男。実直でまじめな性格。現場が好きで、管理職であるにも関わらず人一倍現地にいる。)[1] |
Reiwa era
Godzilla Singular Point
To be added.
- Godzilla Singular Point (TV 2021) [episodes 6-7]
Concept art
Godzilla Singular Point
This is a list of references for Yoshiyasu Matsubara. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]
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