Publish date
July 31, 2022
5.28 x 1.06 x 7.64 inches
Godzilla Singular Point (ゴジラ S.P, Gojira Shingyura Pointo) is a novelization of the 2021 anime series of the same name written by Toh EnJoe. It was published by Shueisha on July 31, 2022.
- Prologue プロローグ
- Night of the Summer Festival 夏祭りの夜
- Beast of the Sky 空の獣
- Mei Kamino 神野銘
- Rodan Appears ラドン出現
- Yun Arikawa 有川ユン
- Rodan Again ラドン再び
- Shunya Sato 佐藤隼也
- Rodan Swarm ラドンの群れ
- Li Guiying 李桂英
- Triple Plate Junction Off of Boso 房総沖プレート三重点
- Strange Properties of Archetype: Part 1 アーキタイプの奇妙な性質・その一
- Anguirus アンギラス
- You 御前
- Pelops II ペロ2
- Bearach Byrne ベイラ・バーン
- Beast of Land 陸の獣
- Satomi Kanahara 金原さとみ
- Whale Strike 勇魚撃ち
- Beast of Water 水の獣
- The Rodans Spread ラドン拡散
- Michael Steven マイケル・スティーブン
- Blocked Uraga Line 浦賀阻止線
- Möbius Strip メビウスの帯
- sp.
- Ice IX アイスナイン
- Kumonga クモンガ
- Yukie Kanoko 鹿子行江
- Strange Properties of Archetype: Part 2 アーキタイプの奇妙な性質・その二
- Chrysalis サナギ
- Salunga サルンガ
- Evolution 進化
- Chrysalis Destruction Operation サナギ破壊作戦
- Cells 細胞
- Kai カイ
- Shut Down シャットダウン
- Tsunetomo Yamamoto 山本常友
- Naratake ナラタケ
- March 行進
- Haberu ハベル
- Satori サトリ
- All-Out Attack 総攻撃
- Catastrophe 破局
- Signal 信号
- Godzilla Ultima ゴジラ・ウルティマ
- Tilda ティルダ
- Pelops II.IV ペロ2.4
- Jet Jaguar PP ジェットジャガーPP
- Godzilla ゴジラ
- Disappearance 消失
- End of the Battle たたかいのおわり
- Epilogue エピローグ
Differences from the series
- The first appearance of Rodan is told from its perspective.[1]
- Other members of Anguirus's species are mentioned, with sightings being reported in New Mexico.[2]
Weapons, vehicles, races and organizations
This is a list of references for Godzilla Singular Point (novelization). These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]
Nonfiction books
Production books
Encyclopedic books
Story/picture/children's books
Short stories
Activity/novelty books
Unpublished books
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