Godzilla vs. SpaceGodzilla Super Complete Works (1994)
Shogakukan Godzilla Super Complete Works books | |||||||
Godzilla vs. SpaceGodzilla Super Complete Works (ゴジラVSスペースゴジラ超全集 is a Gojira tai Supēsugojira Chō Zenshū)1994 informational book focused on Godzilla vs. SpaceGodzilla.
The first edition of the book was published by Shogakukan on December 12, 1994. Read from right to left, it is 88 pages long.[1]
- The Men Who Made "Godzilla vs. SpaceGodzilla" 「ゴジラVSスペースゴジラ」を作った男 (p. 2)
- Godzilla vs. SpaceGodzilla Illustration Poster ゴジラVSスペースゴジライラストポスター (p. 3)
- Godzilla Pin-Up ゴジラピンナップ (p. 6)
- Character Encyclopedia キャラクター図鑑 (p. 9)
- (p. 10) Godzilla
- (p. 14) LittleGodzilla
- (p. 16) SpaceGodzilla
- (p. 22) MOGUERA
- (p. 28) Land Moguera
- (p. 30) Star Falcon
- (p. 32) Fairy Mothra
- (p. 33) Cosmos
- (p. 34) The People Who Watch Over Godzilla ゴジラを見守る人びと
- Film Story Digest 映画ストーリーダイジェスト (p. 35)
- "Godzilla vs. SpaceGodzilla" Complete Walkthrough 「ゴジラVSスペースゴジラ」完全攻略 (p. 57)
- (p. 58) 3 Giant Monsters Battle Map 3大怪獣激戦マップ
- (p. 60) SpaceGodzilla Analysis スペースゴジラ大解剖
- (p. 62) MOGUERA Analysis モゲラ大解剖
- (p. 65) The Moguera That Appeared 37 Years Ago as an Invasion Robot 37年前に現れたモゲラは侵略ロボットだった
- (p. 66) LittleGodzilla Analysis リトルゴジラ大解剖
- (p. 67) Fairy Mothra Analysis
妖精 モスラ大解剖 - (p. 68) Monster Manipulators 怪獣のあやつり方
- (p. 70) G-Force Fighting Power Research Gフォース戦力大研究
- Cast & Staff List キャスト&スタッフリスト (p. 72)
- Making of "Godzilla vs. SpaceGodzilla" 「ゴジラVSスペースゴジラ」のできるまで (p. 73)
- (p. 73) Modeling of Godzilla / Modeling of SpaceGodzilla / Modeling of LittleGodzilla / Modeling of Fairy Mothra / Modeling of Land Moguera and Star Falcon / Modeling of MOGUERA
ゴジラの造形/スペースゴジラの造形/リトルゴジラの造形/妖精 モスラの造形/ランドモゲラー・スターファルコンの造形/モゲラの造形 - (p. 80) Photography of Special Effects Team 特撮班の撮影
- (p. 86) Photography of Original Story Team 本編班の撮影
- (p. 87) G-Force Member Costumes G・FORCE隊員コスチューム
- (p. 73) Modeling of Godzilla / Modeling of SpaceGodzilla / Modeling of LittleGodzilla / Modeling of Fairy Mothra / Modeling of Land Moguera and Star Falcon / Modeling of MOGUERA
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