Godzilla Character Encyclopedia: Toho Special Effects Movie Complete History

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Godzilla Character Encyclopedia:
Toho Special Effects Movie Complete History
Godzilla Character Encyclopedia: Toho Special Effects Movie Complete History
Publisher Kodansha
Publish date July 15, 2014
Pages 176
Genre Nonfiction, informational, picture

Godzilla Character Encyclopedia: Toho Special Effects Movie Complete History (ゴジラ キャラクター大全 東宝特撮映画全史,   Gojira Kyarakutā Taizen Tōhō Tokusatsu Eiga Zenshi) is a 2014 informational book covering the Godzilla franchise released in conjunction with the Legendary Pictures American Godzilla film released that same year. It was published by Kodansha on July 15, 2014.


Godzilla Character Encyclopedia: Toho Special Effects Movie Complete History was released to commemorate the franchise's 60th anniversary as well as Legendary Pictures' 2014 American Godzilla film. It profiles the entire history of the franchise, providing individual biographies and several photographs for the various kaiju and different Godzilla designs featured in the series, as well as entries for the many films comprising it. The book also expands to non-Godzilla kaiju films such as Mothra and The War of the Gargantuas



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