Kong: The 8th Wonder of the World Stencil Book with Stickers

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Kong: The 8th Wonder of the World Stencil Book with Stickers
Kong: The 8th Wonder of the World Stencil Book with Stickers
Publisher Meredith Books, Funtastic
Publish date 2005
Pages 9

Kong: The 8th Wonder of the World Stencil Book with Stickers is a children's activity book released in Australia and the United Kingdom in 2005 by Meredith books and Funtastic. It consisted of nine thick board pages featuring cutouts to form ten stencils to allow kids to draw Kong, and some other monsters from the 2005 King Kong film. It came with over 30 stickers featuring text, creatures, and images associated with the motion picture taken from its press kit. It is packaged with four colored pencils in red, yellow, blue, and black.


Create your own Kong pictures with these great stencils!





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