King Kong (2005) soundtrack
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King Kong soundtracks | |||||||
The soundtrack for King Kong was released on December 13, 2005 and composed by James Newton Howard.
- King Kong
- A Fateful Meeting
- Defeat Is Always Momentary
- It's In The Subtex
- Two Grand
- The Venture Departs
- Last Blank Space On The Map
- It's Deserted
- Something Monstrous... Neither Beast Nor Man
- Head Towards The Animals
- Beautiful
- Tooth And Claw
- That's All There Is...
- Captured
- Central Park
- The Empire State Building
- Beauty Killed The Beast I
- Beauty Killed The Beast II
- Beauty Killed The Beast III
- Beauty Killed The Beast IV
- Beauty Killed The Beast V
Recording Session
- Main Title
- Song Intro
- Ann & Manny
- Ann & Weston
- Viewing The Footage
- The Map
- Carl Steals Footage
- Carl Finds Ann
- Carl Convinces Ann
- The Venture
- Delaying Jack (Part 1)
- Delaying Jack (Part 2)
- Boat Leaves Harbor
- Bruce Hangs Posters
- Jimmy
- Ann Rehearses In Mirror
- Ann Meets Jack
- Bruce & Jimmy
- Jimmy Overhears
- Filming On The Boat
- The Crew Is Nervous
- It's In The Subtext
- There Are No Stars
- Wall Ahead
- Breach
- Skull Island
- The Village
- The Natives
- Native Attack
- Saved By The Crew
- Ann Is Kidnapped
- Sacrifice (Part 1)
- Arming The Crew
- Sacrifice (Part 2)
- Kong Appears
- Trek To Save Ann
- Kong Runs
- Crew In Boneyard
- Footprint
- Stampede
- Raptors
- Heroes Don't Look Like Me
- Ann Tries To Escape
- Ruins
- Log Chasm
- Lizards
- T-Rex & Ann
- Tooth & Claw
- Vines
- Jawbreaker
- Dead Crew Members
- Beautiful
- Carl Gets Idea
- In Kong's Arms
- Jack In Graveyard
- Kong Awakes
- Kong Chases Ann & Jack
- Ann Walks Through The Gate
- Capturing Kong
- To The Boats
- Chloroform
- Theatre
- You're Writing A Comedy?
- Jack Reflects
- Steiner (Part 1)
- Beauty Stayed His Hand
- Steiner (Part 2)
- Steiner (Part 3)
- Steiner (Part 4)
- Steiner (Part 5)
- Steiner (Part 6)
- Steiner (Part 7)
- Kong Sees Jack
- Kong Chases Jack
- Central Park
- Army Attacks
- The Empire State Building
- Bi-Planes
- Second Attack
- Jack Enters Buildings
- Third Attack
- Beauty Killed The Beast
- End Credits
- "Main Title (Alternate)"
- Carl Steals Footage (Alternate)
- Carl Steals Footage (Alternate 2)
- Carl Steals Footage (Alternate 3)
- The Venture (Alternate)
- The Venture (Alternate 2)
- Filming On The Boat (Alternate)
- Filming On The Boat (Film Version)
- Skull Island (Alternate)
- Skull Island (Film Version)
- Ann Tries To Escape (Alternate)
- Ann Tries To Escape (Alternate 2)
- Jack Reflects (Alternate)
- Steiner (Part 1) (Alternate)
- Steiner (Part 1) (Alternate 2)
- Steiner (Part 1) (Alternate 3)
- Beauty Stayed His Hand (Alternate)
- Central Park (Alternate)
- Central Park (Alternate 2)
- Third Attack (Alternate)
- Beauty Killed The Beast (Alternate)
- Beauty Killed The Beast (Alternate 2)
- "End Credits (Shorter Version)"
- "Steiner Fanfare"
External links
King Kong soundtrack on Spotify
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