Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie (2005) soundtrack

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Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie soundtrack
Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie/Soundtrack
Composed by Chance Thomas
Released 2005
# of tracks 29

The soundtrack for Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie was composed and conducted by Chance Thomas and performed by the Northwest Sinfonia.


  1. Highlight Reel
  2. Kong, The Tragic Hero
  3. Between Two Worlds/Vision Of Ann
  4. Skull Island
  5. Valley Of The Brontosaurus
  6. Panic
  7. Ann's Theme
  8. The T-Rex Cometh
  9. Native Ceremony
  10. Kong Dispatches The Tyrant
  11. Ann Lost In The Jungle
  12. Lurking In The Shadows/Mortal Wounds
  13. Vampires Of The Sky
  14. Reunion/Gallimimus Infestation
  15. Sting Of The Giant Scorpion
  16. Through The Crawling Walls
  17. Face Off
  18. Fury And Heroics
  19. Snooping Around
  20. Nest of Raptors
  21. Raptor Attack/Death of a Friend
  22. Relentless
  23. The Island Tombs
  24. Leaving Skull Island
  25. Denham Plots and Schemes
  26. Ann In New York/Kong's Escape
  27. Empire State Showdown
  28. Death Of Kong/Setting The Spirit Free
  29. Kong, King Of Skull Island



"Highlight Reel"
"Kong, The Tragic Hero"
"Between Two Worlds / Vision Of Ann"
"Skull Island"
"Valley Of The Brontosaurus"
"Ann's Theme"
"The T-Rex Cometh"
"Native Ceremony"
"Kong Dispatches The Tyrant"
"Ann Lost In The Jungle"
"Lurking In The Shadows / Mortal Wounds"
"Vampires Of The Sky"
"Reunion / Gallimimus Infestation"
"Sting Of The Giant Scorpion"
"Through The Crawling Walls"
"Face Off"
"Fury And Heroics"
"Snooping Around"
"Nest of Raptors"
"Raptor Attack / Death of a Friend"
"The Island Tombs"
"Leaving Skull Island"
"Denham Plots and Schemes"
"Ann In New York / Kong's Escape"
"Empire State Showdown"
"Death Of Kong / Setting The Spirit Free"
"Kong, King Of Skull Island"


Footage from recording sessions
Interview with composer Chance Thomas

External links


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