Rebirth of Mothra 3 (1998) soundtracks

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Rebirth of Mothra 3
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Credits for Rebirth of Mothra 3

Mothra soundtracks
Rebirth of Mothra 2
Rebirth of Mothra 3
Rebirth of Mothra 3 soundtrack
The U.S. cover for the soundtrack
Composed by Toshiyuki Watanabe
Released 1998JP, 2003U.S.
# of tracks 25 (1 disc)
63 (2 discs)

The soundtrack of Rebirth of Mothra 3 was released in 1998 by the Toshiba brand Futureland, with music by Toshiyuki Watanabe. The company released two versions, a one-disc version titled Mothra 3 and a two-disc version titled Mothra 3: Original Soundtrack Complete. The former was released in the United States by ADV Music in 2003 as Rebirth of Mothra 3: Original Soundtrack.


Mothra 3 and Rebirth of Mothra 3: Original Soundtrack
  1. Opening / The Legend Is Set Free
  2. The Eerie Swarm of Meteors
  3. The Strange Meteorite
  4. The Mothra Song (vocals by Megumi Kobayashi and Misato Tate)
  5. The Second Coming of the Greatest Foe
  6. The Appearance of Mothra
  7. Meeting with Mothra
  8. The Sound of the Blade of Sadness
  9. Setting off on our Journey through Space and Time
  10. Haora Mothra (Moll version) (vocals by Megumi Kobayashi)
  11. One Last Request
  12. Soaring High 130 Million Years Ago
  13. The Strange Dome
  14. Cretaceous Period Battle 1
  15. Risk Your Life
  16. Cretaceous Period Battle 2
  17. Haora Mothra (Lora version) (vocals by Misato Tate)
  18. Requiem
  19. The Return of King Ghidorah
  20. The Tragic Battle
  21. The Appearance of the Armored Warrior
  22. The Last Battle
  23. The Last Metamorphosis
  24. The Power of the Legend
  25. Ending/ Touch My Heart
Mothra 3: Original Soundtrack Complete
Disc 1
  1. Opening / The Legend is Set Free (M1 + M2)
  2. The Legend of the Metal (M3)
  3. The Eerie Swarm of Meteors (M4)
  4. The Strange Meteorite (M5)
  5. A Huge Shadow (M7)
  6. The Giant Monster Arrives (M8)
  7. The Mothra Song (M9) [vocals by Megumi Kobayashi and Misato Tate]
  8. The Second Coming of the Greatest Foe (M10)
  9. The Strange Dome 2 (M11)
  10. The Appearance of Mothra (M12)
  11. The Disaster with Lora (M13)
  12. The Disappearing Children (M14)
  13. The Strange Dome 3 (M15)
  14. King Ghidorah in Flight (M16)
  15. Meeting with Mothra (M17)
  16. The Sound of the Blade of Sadness (M18)
  17. King Ghidorah's Fury (M19)
  18. Decision - Journey through Space and Time (M20)
  19. Haora Mothra (Moll version/M20) [vocals by Megumi Kobayashi]
  20. One Last Request (M22)
  21. Soaring High 130 Million Years Ago (M23)
  22. The Strange Dome (M24)
  23. Cretaceous Battle 1 (First Half/M25)
  24. Cretaceous Battle 1 (Second Half/M25)
  25. Risk Your Life (M27 + M27A)
  26. The Ominous Tail (M28)
  27. Cretaceous Battle 2 (M28A)
  28. Haora Mothra (Lora version/M29) [vocals by Misato Tate]
  29. Mothra's Desperate Situation (M30)
Disc 2
  1. Requiem (M30A)
  2. The Return of King Ghidorah (M31)
  3. The Tragic Battle (M32)
  4. The Appearance of the Armored Warrior (M32A)
  5. The Last Battle (M33)
  6. The Last Metamorphosis (M34)
  7. The Power of the Legend (M35 + M36)
  8. Ending - Touch My Heart (M37)
  9. The Mothra Song [vocals by Megumi Kobayashi and Misato Tate]
  10. The Second Coming of the Greatest Foe
  11. The Mothra Song (Karaoke)
  12. The Second Coming of the Greatest Foe
  13. Haora Mothra (Moll version) [vocals by Megumi Kobayashi]
  14. Haora Mothra (Moll version Karaoke)
  15. Haora Mothra (Lora version) [vocals by Misato Tate]
  16. Haora Mothra (Lora version Karaoke)
  17. SE: King Ghidorah (Roar, Flight)
  18. SE: King Ghidorah (Cretaceous Roar)
  19. SE: King Ghidorah (Beam)
  20. SE: King Ghidorah (Cretaceous Beam)
  21. SE: Mothra (Roar, Beam A, Beam B, Wing Beam, Flight A, Flight B)
  22. SE: Armor Mothra (Roar, Flight)
  23. SE: Fairy (Roar, Beam)
  24. SE: Garu-Garu 3 (Roar, Beam)
  25. SE: Cretaceous Dinosaurs
  26. SE: The Conversation with Mothra
  27. SE: The Heartbeat of the Dome
  28. SE: King Ghidorah's Wing Beams
  29. Scene 71 (Used Track [Decision - Journey through Space and Time])
  30. Scene 76 (Used Track [Haora Mothra - Moll version])
  31. Scene 82 (Used Track [Soaring High 130 Million Years Ago])
  32. Scene 92 (Used Track [Cretaceous Battle 1 - First Half])
  33. Scene 102 (Used Track [Cretaceous Battle 2])
  34. Scene 103 (Used Track [Haora Mothra - Lora version])


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