The Best of Godzilla 1954-1975

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The Best of Godzilla 1954-1975
The cover of the CD
Composed by Akira Ifukube, Masaru Sato,
Yuji Koseki, Kunio Miyauchi,
Riichiro Manabe
Released 1998, 2019
# of tracks 43

The Best of Godzilla 1954-1975 is a compilation album of tracks from the films of the Showa series, originally released by GNP Crescendo in 1998. A vinyl edition of the album was sold in limited quantities exclusively at FYE in 2019.


  1. Godzilla 1954 - Footsteps FX
  2. Godzilla 1954 - Main Title
  3. Godzilla 1954 - Ootojima Temple Festival
  4. Godzilla 1954 - Japanese Army March
  5. Godzilla 1954 - Godzilla Comes Ashore
  6. Godzilla 1954 - Godzilla's Rampage
  7. Godzilla 1954 - Ending
  8. Godzilla Raids Again - Main Title
  9. King Kong Vs. Godzilla - Helicopter / Man Screams / SOS FX
  10. King Kong Vs. Godzilla - Main Title
  11. King Kong Vs. Godzilla - King Kong Roars FX
  12. King Kong Vs. Godzilla - Planning King Kong's Transport
  13. Mothra - Mothra's Song
  14. Mothra Vs. Godzilla - Mothra FX
  15. Mothra Vs. Godzilla - Main Title
  16. Mothra Vs. Godzilla - Sacred Springs
  17. Ghidorah the Three Headed Monster - Main Title / Monsters Appear in Yokohama
  18. Invasion of the Astro-Monster - UFO Approaches / Monsters Fight FX / Monster Battle March - (Main Title)
  19. Son of Godzilla - Main Title
  20. Son of Godzilla - Godzilla Vs. Kumonga
  21. Son of Godzilla - Ending
  22. Destroy All Monsters - Godzilla FX / Toho Mark / Main Title
  23. Destroy All Monsters - Title Credits
  24. Destroy All Monsters - Four Monsters Attack Tokyo
  25. Destroy All Monsters - Destroying The Remote Control
  26. Destroy All Monsters - Showdown On Mt. Fuji
  27. Destroy All Monsters - Ending
  28. All Monsters Attack - Cute Kid Theme / Monsters Fight
  29. Godzilla Vs. Hedorah - Godzilla's Fight
  30. Godzilla Vs. Gigan - Main Title
  31. Godzilla Vs. Gigan - Main Title Repeat
  32. Godzilla Vs. Gigan - Godzilla March (Record Version)
  33. Godzilla Vs. Megalon - Jet Jaguar / Megalon FX
  34. Godzilla Vs. Megalon - Main Title
  35. Godzilla Vs. Megalon - Godzilla Of Monster Island
  36. Godzilla Vs. MechaGodzilla - MechaGodzilla FX
  37. Godzilla Vs. MechaGodzilla - Godzilla Vs. Anguiras
  38. Godzilla Vs. MechaGodzilla - Miyarabi's Prayer
  39. Terror of MechaGodzilla - Main Title
  40. Terror of MechaGodzilla - MechaGodzilla II
  41. Terror of MechaGodzilla - Godzilla's Entrance
  42. Terror of MechaGodzilla - Ending
  43. Theme from Godzilla


External links

The Best of Godzilla 1954-1975 compilation album on Spotify


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