Varan (1958) soundtrack

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Varan (film)
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Varan soundtrack
The cover for the soundtrack
Composed by Akira Ifukube
Released 1996 JP, 2016 U.S.
# of tracks 19 JP, 44 U.S.

The soundtrack of Varan was released in 1996, with music by Akira Ifukube. It was later released on digital download in the United States under its U.S. title, Varan the Unbelievable, by Red Bitch Music on August 8, 2016.[1]


  1. Main Title
  2. Mystery Of The 20th Century
  3. Iwadani Village
  4. The Anger Of Baradagi
  5. Baradagi, God Of The Mountains
  6. Fierceness Of Varan
  7. Cannon Shot Towards The Lake
  8. Fierceness Of Varan II
  9. Varan Flies
  10. Fishing Boat Disaster
  11. Varan vs. Fighter-Bomber Neptune
  12. Varan vs. Destroyer Uranami A
  13. Varan vs. Destroyer Uranami B
  14. Fierce Battle Begins
  15. Self Defense Forces Tank Takes Action
  16. Varan Lands at Haneda
  17. Special Dynamite
  18. Rebirth Of Varan
  19. Ending

Tracks (U.S. version)

Varan the Unbelievable
  1. Main Title
  2. Mystery of the 20th Century
  3. Iwadani Village
  4. The Anger of Baradagi
  5. Baradagi, God of the Mountains
  6. Fierceness of Varan
  7. Cannon Shot Towards the Lake
  8. Fierceness of Varan II
  9. Varan Flies
  10. Fishing Boat Disaster
  11. Varan vs. Fighter-Bomber Neptune
  12. Varan vs. Destroyer Uranami A
  13. Varan vs. Destroyer Uranami B
  14. Fierce Battle Begins
  15. Self Defense Forces Tank Takes Action
  16. Varan Lands at Haneda (Airport)
  17. Special Dynamite
  18. Rebirth of Varan
  19. Ending
  20. Main Title #2
  21. Rockets and Eastern Monsters
  22. The Self Defense Forces to Iwadani Village
  23. The Lake of Varan
  24. Varan's Fierceness
  25. The Self Defense Forces Retreat
  26. Tokyo's Citizens Ordered to Evacuate
  27. Counter Attack Ordered Against Varan
  28. Transport of Special Dynamite
  29. Ending #2
  30. M1t1: Main Title (Take 1)
  31. M1t3: Main Title (Take 3)
  32. M1t4: Main Title (Take 4)
  33. M2t2: Mystery of the 20th Century (Take 2)
  34. M4t1: The Anger of Baradagi (Take 1)
  35. M11t2: Varan vs. Fighter-Bomber Neptune (Take 2)
  36. M18t1: Rebirth of Varan (Take 1)
  37. M20t1
  38. TV-2t5: Rockets and Eastern Monsters (Take 5)
  39. TV-3t2: The Self Defense Forces to Iwadani Village (Take 2)
  40. TV-11t1: Tokyo's Citizens Ordered to Evacuate (Take 1)
  41. TV-14t2: Transport of Special Dynamite (Take 2)
  42. Varan's Cry
  43. Appearance in the Water
  44. Varan's Footsteps

External links


This is a list of references for Varan (film)/Soundtrack. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]


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