Invasion of Astro-Monster (1965) soundtrack

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Invasion of Astro-Monster
Image gallery for Invasion of Astro-Monster
Credits for Invasion of Astro-Monster

Godzilla soundtracks
Ghidorah, the Three-Heaed Monster
Invasion of Astro-Monster
Ebirah, Horror of the Deep
Invasion of Astro-Monster soundtrack
The cover for the soundtrack
Composed by Akira Ifukube
Released 1993
# of tracks 26

The soundtrack of Invasion of Astro-Monster was released in 1993, with music by Akira Ifukube.


  1. Main Title
  2. The P1 and Jupiter
  3. The P1 Descends
  4. The Mystery of Planet X
  5. The Underground Passage
  6. Monster Zero
  7. The P1 Returns Home
  8. Washigasawa and Lake Myoujinko
  9. Godzilla at the Bottom of the Lake
  10. Appearance of the Disc
  11. The Electromagnetic Capsule
  12. Back to Planet X
  13. Arrival at Planet X
  14. The 3 Monsters on Planet X
  15. Namikawa on Planet X
  16. Leaving Planet X
  17. The Earth in Utter Chaos
  18. Monster Control I
  19. Monster Control II
  20. The Fury of the 3 Monsters
  21. Monster Mega-War March
  22. Monster Mega-War
  23. Ending
  24. Background Music at 'The Star Flower' Club I
  25. Background Music at 'The Star Flower' Club II
  26. Background Musicat the Teahouse BGM3


  • The main title of this soundtrack is a reimagined version of the Frigate March from the original Godzilla, taking cues from Battle in Outer Space. This version of the theme was reused many times in future movies.


Film's "Main Title" in Godzilla Battle Line

External links


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