Godzilla Unleashed: Double Smash (2007) soundtrack

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Godzilla Unleashed: Double Smash soundtrack
Composed by Matthew E. Harwood
Released 2007
# of tracks 11

The in-game soundtrack for Godzilla Unleashed: Double Smash was composed by Matthew E. Harwood. The soundtrack has never been officially released separately from the game.


  1. Menu
  2. Tokyo
  3. Sydney
  4. Bangkok
  5. Cairo
  6. Atlantis
  7. Paris
  8. San Francisco
  9. Monster Island
  10. Boss
  11. Stage Completed


OST - Menu
OST - Tokyo
OST - Sydney
OST - Bangkok
OST - Cairo
OST - Atlantis
OST - Paris
OST - San Francisco
OST - Monster Island
OST - Boss
OST - Stage Completed


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