GODZILLA: The Planet Eater (2018) soundtrack
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The soundtrack for GODZILLA: The Planet Eater was released by Toho Animation Records on November 7, 2018, featuring music by Takayuki Hattori.[2]
- Those Who Find God 神を見いだす者
- The Planet Eater 星を喰う者
- The Quiet Godzilla 静まるゴジラ
- Nanometal -Threat- ナノメタル-脅威-
- Metphies -Kindness- メトフィエス-優しさ-
- Faith 信仰
- Worship 崇拝
- Doubt 疑念
- Metphies -Speculation- メトフィエス-思惑-
- Bilusaludo Rebellion ビルサルドの反逆
- Guidance 導き
- Choice to Escape 逃げる選択
- Connected Life 命をつなぐ
- Prayer 祈り
- Maina マイナ
- Sacrifice 生贄
- Nightmare 悪夢
- Summoning 召喚
- Ghidorah ギドラ
- Awakening 目覚め
- Confrontation 対峙
- Atomic Breath Attack 熱線攻撃
- Ghidorah's Threat ギドラの脅威
- Mind Control 心の支配
- Eye 眼
- Attack that Consumes the Earth 地球を喰いつくす攻撃
- Conflict 葛藤
- The Final Stage 最終段階
- Ruin and Salvation 破滅と救い
- Farewell 別れ
- The Last One 最後の一人
External links
Godzilla: The Planet Eater soundtrack on spotify
"live and die" by XAI single CD cover
This is a list of references for GODZILLA: The Planet Eater/Soundtrack. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]
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