Super Godzilla (1993) soundtrack
The Super Godzilla Super Famicom Music Collection (超ゴジラ スーパーファミコン音楽集 was released on December 21, 1993 by Columbia Records. Chō Gojira Sūpā Famikon Ongakushū)[1] Consisting of eight tracks, it features music from the soundtrack to the 1993 Super Famicom video game, Super Godzilla. All of its contents were later reissued by CINEMA-KAN as part of their Super Godzilla Original Soundtrack (超ゴジラ オリジナル・サウンドトラック which was released on September 23, 2020. Chō Gojira Orijinaru Saundotorakku)[2] It includes 19 additional tracks from the game, 27 in total.
Super Godzilla Super Famicom Music Collection (1993)
- Great Monster War March (Opening Theme) 怪獣大戦争マーチ(オープニング・テーマ)
- Destroy and Advance Theme 破壊と進撃のテーマ
- Godzilla's Theme (Monster Appearance) ゴジラのテーマ(怪獣出現)
- Battle Theme バトルのテーマ
- Terror of Godzilla ゴジラの恐怖
- Mechagodzilla's Theme メカゴジラのテーマ
- Bagan's Theme バガンのテーマ
- Ending Theme エンディング・テーマ
Super Godzilla Original Soundtrack (2020)
- Terror of Godzilla - Opening ゴジラの恐怖・オープニング
- Great Monster War March - Main Title 怪獣大戦争マーチ・メインタイトル
- The Operation Begins 作戦開始
- Terror of Godzilla - Advancement ゴジラの恐怖・進撃
- Godzilla's Theme - Enemy Monster Cue ゴジラのテーマ・敵怪獣の予感
- Osaka Attack Directive 大阪攻撃指令
- Godzilla Advances ゴジラ進撃す
- Foot of Mount Fuji: The Stolen Mechagodzilla 富士山麓 奪われたメカゴジラ
- Defeat 敗北
- Lake Ashi, Hakone: Doctor Rescue Mission 箱根・芦ノ湖 博士救出作戦
- Yokohama Bay Area 横浜ベイエリア
- Yokohama Ablaze 横浜炎上
- The Great Tokyo Battle (I) 東京大決戦(I)
- Legendary Monster Bagan Appears 伝説怪獣バガン出現
- The Birth of Super Godzilla 超ゴジラ誕生
- The Great Tokyo Battle (II) 東京大決戦(II)
- Roar of Victory 勝利の咆哮
- Ending エンディング
- End Credits スタッフロール
Tracks #20-27 are carried over from the Super Godzilla Super Famicom Music Collection.
This is a list of references for Super Godzilla/Soundtrack. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]
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