The Mysterians (1957) soundtrack

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The Mysterians
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The Mysterians soundtrack
The cover for the soundtrack
Composed by Akira Ifukube
Released 1996 JP, 2016 U.S. (The Mysterians) and 2023 U.S. (The Mysterians - Remastered)
# of tracks 20 JP, 48 U.S. (The Mysterians) and 31 U.S. (The Mysterians - Remastered)

The soundtrack of The Mysterians was released in 1996, with music by Akira Ifukube. It was later released on CD and digital download in the United States by Red Bitch Music on July 17, 2016[1] and then re-released on digital download only by the same company as The Mysterians - Remastered on July 20, 2023.[2]


  1. Main Title
  2. The Incident
  3. The Collapse
  4. The Appearance of Mogera
  5. Mogera Attacks
  6. Scientific Lunar Phenomenon
  7. The Research Team Heads Off to Fuji
  8. Mysterian Dome
  9. The First Round of Battle
  10. Demand for an International Conference
  11. The Global Defense Conference
  12. The Alpha and The Beta
  13. Preparing to Attack
  14. The Kidnapping
  15. Shelter
  16. Markalite FAHP
  17. The Mysterians Retaliate
  18. Furious Electron Cannon Assault
  19. The Mysterians Depart
  20. Ending

Tracks (U.S. versions)

The Mysterians
  1. Main Title
  2. The Incident
  3. Collapse
  4. The Appearance of Mogera
  5. Mogera Attacks
  6. Scientific Lunar Phenomenon
  7. The Research Team Heads Off
  8. Mysterian Dome
  9. The First Round of Battle
  10. Demand for an International Conference
  11. The Global Defense Conference
  12. The Alpha and the Beta
  13. Preparing to Attack
  14. The Kidnapping
  15. Shelter
  16. Markalite FAHP
  17. The Mysterians Retaliate
  18. Furious Electron Cannon Assault
  19. Ending
  20. M1t1
  21. M1t2
  22. M1t3
  23. M5t1
  24. M6t1
  25. M7t3
  26. M15t3
  27. M19t1
  28. M20at1
  29. M21t1
  30. Sound of the Saucer in Flight
  31. Sounds Outside the Dome
  32. Sounds Inside the Dome
  33. Sounds of the Dome Machinery
  34. Sounds of the Alpha in Flight
  35. Sounds Inside the Alpha
  36. Sound of the Markalite FAHP Beam
  37. Sound of the Electron Cannon Firing
  38. Mogera's Antenna 1
  39. R Violin 3 for Beams
  40. R Tuba 1 Outside the Dome
  41. R Pipes 1 Movement of the Markalite Dish
  42. R S Shaped Pipe Organ Markalite and the Alpha
  43. R Drum Can 2 Sounds Inside the Alpha
  44. R Timpani 1 the Alpha Takes Off
  45. R Timpani 2 the Alpha Stop Motion
  46. R Piano 8 Inside the Dome
  47. The Earth Defense Force Preview Trailer
  48. Music for the Finale Preview Trailer
The Mysterians - Remastered
  1. Main Title
  2. The Incident
  3. The Collapse
  4. The Appearance of Mogera
  5. Mogera Attacks
  6. Scientific Lunar Phenomenon
  7. The Research Team Heads Off to Fuji
  8. The Mysterian Dome
  9. The First Round of Battle
  10. Demand for an International Conference
  11. The Global Defense Conference
  12. The Alpha and the Beta
  13. Prepare to Attack
  14. The Kidnapping (Remastered)
  15. Shelter
  16. Markalite Flying Atomic Heat Projector
  17. The Mysterians Retaliate
  18. Furious Electron Cannon Assault
  19. The Mysterians Depart
  20. Ending
  21. Sound of the Saucers in Flight
  22. Sounds Outside the Dome
  23. Sounds Inside the Dome
  24. Sounds of the Dome Machinery
  25. Sounds of the Alpha in Flight
  26. Sounds Inside the Alpha
  27. Sounds of the Markalite FAHP Beam
  28. Sound of the Electron Cannon Firing
  29. Mogera's Antenna 1
  30. The Earth Defense Force Preview Trailer
  31. Music for the Finale - Preview Trailer


This is a list of references for The Mysterians/Soundtrack. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]


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