Super Fleet Sazer-X the Movie (2005) soundtrack

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Super Fleet Sazer-X the Movie
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Super Fleet Sazer-X the Movie soundtrack
The cover for the soundtrack
Composed by Hiroshi Takagi, Akira Ifukube, Nakajima Mitsuo, Kojima Kenji, U-Ya Asaoka, Eddy Blues, King Kong Kajiwara, HAL
Released 2005
# of tracks 33

The soundtrack for Super Fleet Sazer-X the Movie was released in 2005, with music by Hiroshi Takagi, Akira Ifukube, Nakajima Mitsuo, Kojima Kenji, U-Ya Asaoka, Eddy Blues, King Kong Kajiwara, and HAL.


  1. Opening
  2. 3 Generals Theme
  3. Go Go Takuto!
  4. X! Equip!!
  5. The Terrible Beast Appears!
  6. Great-Lio
  7. Wind-Eagle
  8. Magna-Beet
  9. The Darkness That Lies Hidden in the Seabed
  10. To Look at the Night Sky
  11. Bosquito Revival
  12. Secret
  13. Defeat the Death Power!
  14. Super Star Fleet: Sazer-X
  15. Dejection
  16. The Shining Star
  17. The Undersea Battleship Attacks
  18. The Beginning of the Giant Battle!
  19. Approaching the Coming Enemy
  20. Thoughts from Within
  21. Confusion
  22. Suspense of Time
  23. Malicious Revival
  24. Youhi Appears
  25. Phantom Star God: Justirisers
  26. Pinch!
  27. Scramble for Takeoff
  28. Life Goes On (Short Version)
  29. The Strongest Enemy
  30. Large Pinch!
  31. Super Star Fleet: Sazer-X Main Theme
  32. Through Peace in the Stars
  33. New Horizon: Fight! Star Soldier


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