"Mothra's Song" (Ebirah, Horror of the Deep)
"Mothra's Song" (モスラの唄 is a song performed by the "Pair Bambi" musical duo of Yuko and Yoko Okada as the Mosura no Uta)Shobijin in the 1966 Godzilla film Ebirah, Horror of the Deep.
目をさまして モスラ
花が開くように モスラ
青ざめた空へ 光るつばさで
飛んでおくれ モスラ
目をさまして モスラ
朝が明けるように モスラ
涙 の夜露を 早 く頬から
消しておくれ モスラ
目をさまして モスラ
雲が歌うように モスラ
果てもない闇に 叫ぶ祈りを
聞いておくれ モスラ
Me o samashite Mosura
Hana ga hiraku yō ni Mosura
Min'na matte iru no
Aozameta sora e
Hikaru tsubasa de tonde okure Mosura
Me o samashite Mosura
Asa ga akeru yō ni Mosura
Min'na matte iru no
Namida no yotsuyu o
Haya ku hoho kara keshite okure Mosura
Me o samashite Mosura
Kumo ga utau yō ni Mosura
Min'na matte iru no
Hate mo nai yami ni
Sakebu inori o kii te okure Mosura
Open your eyes, Mothra
Let the flowers bloom, Mothra.
They're all waiting for you
To the blue sky with your shining wings
Take flight, Mothra
Open your eyes, Mothra
Let the morning dawn, Mothra
They're waiting for you
Let the dew of your tears soon be gone from your cheeks.
Quickly, Mothra.
Open your eyes, Mothra.
Let the clouds sing, Mothra
They're waiting for you.
And in the endless darkness, hear their cries of prayer.
Hear us, Mothra.
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