Black Angels

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"Black Angels"
Black Angels
Composed by Shiro Sagisu
Lyrics by Mike Wyzgowski[1]
Heard in Shin Godzilla

"Black Angels" is a song composed by Shiro Sagisu for the soundtrack of the 2016 Godzilla film, Shin Godzilla.


Out for revenge
We will fight to the end
And the prophet of doom
Will be silenced again

Just to be
Crushed to despair
With no blood to be spared
As a thunderous cloud will descend
Like black angels of the lord

Out for revenge
We will fight to the end
And the prophet of doom
Will be silenced again

Just to be
Crushed to despair
With no blood to be spared
As a thunderous cloud will descend
Like black angels of the lord


Black Angels


This is a list of references for Black Angels. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]


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