Mahara Mothra
Mahara Mothra (マハラ・モスラ is a Mahara Mosura)song first sung in the 1964 Toho film Mothra vs. Godzilla.
Mahal Mahal Mosura
(Mahal Mahal Mosura)
Tama Tama Mosura
(Tama Tama Mosura)
Laban Guerra Labanan
(Laban Laban Guerra Labanan
Laban Laban Guerra Labanan)
(Magtanggol Magtanggol
Magtanggol Magtanggol)
(Bigay! Mahal, Bigay! Mahal)
(Ipanganak Mga Anak
Ipanganak Mga Anak)
Mahal Mahal Mahal
Beloved, Beloved Mothra
(Beloved, Beloved Mothra)
Strike, Strike Mothra
(Strike, Strike Mothra)
Fight against this War
(Against, against, Fight the War
Against, against, Fight the War)
(Wound it, wound it, wound it, wound it)
(Give it your all! Our Beloved, give it your all! Our Beloved)
(Prevail offspring, the children, prevail offspring, the children)
Beloved, beloved, beloved
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