Rebirth of Mothra 2 (1997) soundtrack

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Rebirth of Mothra 2
Image gallery for Rebirth of Mothra 2
Credits for Rebirth of Mothra 2

Mothra soundtracks
Rebirth of Mothra
Rebirth of Mothra 2
Rebirth of Mothra 3
Rebirth of Mothra 2 soundtrack
The U.S. cover for the soundtrack
Composed by Toshiyuki Watanabe
Released 1997, 2003
# of tracks 19

The soundtrack of Rebirth of Mothra 2 was released in 1997, with music by Toshiyuki Watanabe. It was released in the United States by ADV Music in 2003 as Rebirth of Mothra 2: Original Soundtrack.


  1. Opening Title
  2. At the Cape on the Coast
  3. The Meeting of the Little Girl and Ghogo
  4. To the World of Adventure
  5. To the World of Adventure II, Nilai-kanai
  6. The Legend Resurrected
  7. In Order to Save the World
  8. The Mothra Song
  9. Dagahra Arrives
  10. Prepared to Die
  11. The Mothra Song
  12. To the Ocean Floor
  13. Mothra, Desperate Situation
  14. Princess Yuna’s Theme
  15. Ghogo, Together with the Magnificent
  16. The Great, Miraculous Metamorphosis
  17. Great Battle at the Bottom of the Ocean
  18. The End of the Legend
  19. To the New Generation of Children


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