Skull Island birds and sealife
The following is a list of birds and sea creatures living on Skull Island across the various continuities and stories featuring King Kong.
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Name | Image | Appearance(s) | Description |
Giant bird |
King Kong |
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Giant vulture |
King Kong | Giant vultures could be found in the jungle. They fed on carrion, and at least six of them swarmed the corpse of a Meat-Eater after Kong killed one to save Ann Darrow. | |
Coastal birds |
King Kong, • Son of Kong |
A flock of birds could be seen around Skull Island's coast in several locations, including the native village. They were portrayed through traditional animation. | |
Jungle birds |
Son of Kong | A flock of birds portrayed by stop-motion animation could be seen flying through the dense Skull Island jungles. |
Name | Image | Appearance(s) | Description |
Osteodomus |
The World of Kong | Osteodomus was a species of four- to eight-inch-long hermit crab that was too large for conventional shells, leading it to utilize any sort of shelter it could find, most often, hollow bones such as seal skulls. Its name refers to this, as it means "bone-house". | |
Lividuscutus |
The World of Kong | Lividuscutus were herbivorous lobsters with dark blue shells, delicate claws, and remarkably strong legs, which they used to gather algae from the rocks in the splash zones of the island's coast. | |
Scutucaris |
The World of Kong | Scutucaris were flat, Scyllaridae lobsters with a nearly two-dimensional body that allowed them to slip between rocks to avoid octopuses and other predators. Being omnivorous, the Scutucaris scavenged the crevasses of the coastal rocks for any food that other crabs could not access, and they used their sharp claws to cut shellfish meat out of their shells. | |
Cunaepraedator |
The World of Kong | Cunaepraedator was a species of coast-dwelling crabs that evolved beyond the need for water, and lived entirely on land. Females kept eggs in a special compartment under their bodies. The eggs were fertilized by males using their large pincers to tip females up and clasping their secondary pincers to the female's. The eggs hatch immediately into small crabs, with no larval stage. After a time of crawling over the mother, the infants would be gently brushed off on a seabird's nest, where they would grow and develop feeding on nest scraps or dead hatchlings. After the birds left the nest, so would the Cunaepraedators, and they would join their parents as adult scavengers.[1] | |
Cutiscidis |
The World of Kong | Cutiscidis were one- to four-inch-long parasitic crabs that bore into the skin of an organism and fed from the wound they created. Their carapace was scab-like in appearance, and they only ever detached from their hosts to breed in the waterways, after which they would seek another host.
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Impurucaris |
The World of Kong | Impurucaris was a small carrion-eating crab of Skull Island's swampland that had paddle-like appendages. It was not a very adept swimmer. | |
Incultulepas |
The World of Kong | Incultulepas was a species of limpet that had bone-softening saliva, which aided it in eating the carrion left behind by larger predators. | |
Funnucaris |
The World of Kong | Funnucaris were eight-inch-long crabs with strong, sharp pincers that allowed them to scrape and cut off pieces of meat clinging to skeletons. | |
Deplector |
The World of Kong |
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Abyscidis |
The World of Kong | Abyscidis were one- to two-foot-long crustaceans that lived in the deep crevices of Skull Island. They typically ate dead or dying prey, and lived in small colonies in the slimy depths of the chasm. Nymph stage Abyscidis navigated the mud to locate new caves and crevices to create new colonies.
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Seagulls |
The World of Kong | Seagulls inhabited Skull Island, and nested in the cliffs where they preyed on Discus, and had their nests raided by Dragonskins. | |
Profanornis sordicus |
The World of Kong | Profanornis sordicus was a species of gruesome carrion stork that stood from three to four feet tall at the hip. While they mostly fed on carrion, they were also known to hunt lizards, large insects, unguarded bird chicks and young dinosaurs. Nesting in the brush, their young hatched already capable of feeding themselves. Despite this, for their first year of life they remained with their parents for protection. This was necessary, as sordicus were so indiscriminate in their feeding habits that other sordicus adults were just as big of a threat as other predators. Their curved lower jaws could scoop up small prey, or move ground cover to access invertebrates underneath. The males' crests turned blueish in the breeding season.
Both Profanornis were revealed early on Weta Publishing's website, linked here.
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Profanornis spinosus |
The World of Kong | Profanornis spinosus was another species of gruesome carrion stork that stood from five to seven feet tall at the hip. Its beak housed several tooth-like thorny protrusions that helped them to catch fish and amphibians like Swamp-wings in the lowland rivers that they lived near. They were also ready eaters of carrion. Young spinosus followed their parents through the waterways and learned to hunt for themselves. Both males and females sported crests, although the males' crests were larger and more colorful.
Both Profanornis were revealed early on Weta Publishing's website, linked here.
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Carrion Parrots |
The World of Kong | After arriving on Skull Island in the last few million years, the naturally inquisitive parrots had taken up the ready food source of carrion. They had shed their head feathers, cementing their vulture-like role on the island. Some of the species included the Green Carrion Parrot, with a wingspan of three to four feet, the considerably smaller Red Carrion Parrot, at 26 to 30 inches, the Great Carrion Parrot, with a wingspan of four to five feet, and the Fiery Carrion Parrot, whose beak had become hard and sharp for pulling flesh from carcasses and snapping small bones. Their distinctive eye rings were a sign of sexual maturity. | |
Foeducrista |
The World of Kong | Foeducrista were a species of flightless bird that had a featherless head and a serrated, saw-toothed bill. This was used to catch small prey and to shear meat from carrion.
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Zeropteryx |
The World of Kong | Zeropteryx were among the largest of Skull Island's predatory flightless birds. Standing as tall as a man, and five to six feet at the hip, their powerful legs made them adept runners. Their heavy, bladed beaks meant the end of most small prey, but for Zeropteryx, anything that moved was a viable menu item. | |
Brutornis |
• King Kong (extended cut) • The World of Kong |
Brutornis were the largest of Skull Island's predatory flightless birds, standing six to seven feet at the hip. Their keen eyes could detect movement in the grasses to help detect prey, and their huge, sharp bill, backed by powerful jaw muscles, meant the end for most prey in a single bite. They laid their eggs on the edges of the grasslands so as to keep them hidden from predators, but allowed the mother to survey the landscape for potential threats. Mothers were fiercely protective of their eggs, and would go for up to a month without food during incubation. The young hatched with camouflaged feathers that hid them from predators as they followed their mother on hunts until they were old enough to defend themselves. The cunning Lycaesaurus had developed a way of poaching the eggs: while one dinosaur acted as a decoy to distract the mother, the other stole the melon-sized eggs. If the decoy Lycaesaurus moved too far away from the nest, the mother Brutornis would abandon the pursuit. If the thief had not finished the plunder at this time, it would likely become dinner for the starving bird.
When the crew of the Venture was on Skull Island, they grew restless and scared in the jungle, and fired wildly at a sound in the bush. Worried they had killed Ann Darrow, they changed direction to check it out, but instead found a horribly wounded Brutornis; the ship's cook, Lumpy, put it out of its misery with a bullet to the head.
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Piranhadon |
• King Kong (extended cut) • The World of Kong • Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie • Kong: The 8th Wonder of the World • Journey to Skull Island |
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Nefacossus fluvius |
The World of Kong | Nefacossus fluvius evolved from ancient cephalochordates and eventually converged with the neopedes to share similar external traits. Instead of eyes, it hunted small prey using its crude lateral line of sensory organs to detect movement in the water. They grew to be three feet long.[2] | |
Sepulcro |
The World of Kong | Sepulcro were four- to five-foot-long fish that shared its feeding habits with the similar Papilio. Both would wait in the silty waters of the riverbed before striking at schools of fish swimming overhead. Sepulcro in particular boasted expandable stomachs, which allowed them to swallow prey close to their own size. | |
Papilio |
The World of Kong | Papilio were another four- to five-foot-long fish that waited concealed in the riverbed murk before trapping prey with its mouth agape. Although they were similar to Sepulcro in many respects, Papilio sported many fanlike fins, and favored invertebrates over fish. In breeding season, the fins and fans were used to attract mates with graceful displays, but were also used to stir the silt at the bottom of the waterways to conceal themselves while on the hunt. | |
Skull Island Fishes |
The World of Kong | Numerous fish species populated the many waterways of Skull Island, each with varying adaptations and lifestyles; however, very few of them were well documented. | |
Stink-fish |
The World of Kong | Foetidicthys hebeo, or Stink-fish were two- to three-foot-long fish that were one of the few species that could traverse the waterways carefree. This was the case on account of the walls of their anus housing special glands that could exude a cloud of foul chemicals and waste strong enough to deter hungry attackers. The mixture also had an adhesive quality that bonded to the attacker's skin which, along with its nauseating taste, would make sure attackers remembered to stay away.[3]
The Stink-fish was revealed early on Weta Publishing's website, linked here. | |
Needlemouth |
The World of Kong | The Acusos cadaverosus or "Needlemouthes" were 9- to 13-foot-long behemoths that relentlessly hunted the leaf-choked jungle streams in search of small to mid-sized fish. While most other river predators were ambush hunters, the Needlemouth could match their prey in speed and maneuverability, leading to flat-out races.
The Needlemouth was revealed early on Weta Publishing's website, linked here. | |
Killer-eels |
The World of Kong | Killer-eels were two- to three-foot-long pack hunters that could shred flesh and bone in no time at all. Actually being related to lampreys, Killer-eels hunted in packs of hundreds that staked claim to portions of river and preferred to hunt on the injured and sick. They would overwhelm their prey by swarming them, with each individual's mouth tearing away chunks of flesh. Not having the energy to engage in high speed chases, Killer-eels preferred slow prey, and the packs would swim slowly through the river until one member discovered food. Being drawn to the scent of blood, a pack of Killer-eels could attack and leave only a skeleton within minutes. Their eggs were laid in sticky strands among the water-weeds, and served as food to many small fish and invertebrates. This, coupled with their inherently short lifespans kept their numbers in check. Being extremely susceptible to changes in temperature and acidity, even a subtle shift could be disastrous for a school. | |
Skull Island Egret |
The World of Kong | Skull Island's species of egret was a common sight not only on Skull Island, where it originated, but also in Southeast Asia. | |
Great Grey Heron |
The World of Kong | Great Grey Herons were a species of wading bird that waited in nurseries and preyed on baby Foetodons. | |
Skull Island Hornbill |
The World of Kong | A species of hornbill on Skull Island had evolved to become immune to the particular venom of Idolon venefaucus, and thus it was the only animal species that was able to eat them without harming itself or dying. | |
Hylaeornis |
The World of Kong | Hylaeornis were a common species of bird that stood four to five feet at the shoulder. They nested in between roots. Their speed was their most powerful defense against predators like Dinocanisaurus, although they could deliver a powerful kick that predators knew to be wary of when cornering the bird. | |
Noctupervagus |
The World of Kong | Noctupervagus were nocturnal foragers standing five to six feet tall at the shoulder. Boasting a powerful kick and saw-like teeth, Noctupervagus was more than a match for the predators it encountered, and the venomous centipedes that it exclusively fed on. Noctupervagus were capable of holding a centipede and dismembering them with their feet and beaks to remove the poisonous pincers with delicate and precise movements. Their dark-colored eggs had a membranous shell that allowed small spores and mosses to grow on and camouflage them. However, this could make hatching difficult for the young birds, necessitating parental assistance when hatching.
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Pinnatono |
The World of Kong | Pinnatono were a flightless bird that stood five to six feet tall at the hip. Their long neck allowed them to push their heads into thorny bushes to get at berries and other fruit. Despite being outwardly defenseless, they ate in bulk a noxious berry that most other species left alone due to its incredibly hot properties. Being immune to its properties, the bird's acidic stomachs added potency to the berries, and created a foul gas that seeped from Pinnatono's mouth, pores, and feces. When threatened, Pinnatono could projectile vomit the foul mixture with great accuracy, and it could cause discomfort to the eyes and other sensitive structures. | |
Canopy Birds |
The World of Kong | Skull Island's Canopy Birds lived in the jungle treetops. Species included the Martial Parrot, a relative of the Carrion Parrots, Dark-wings analogous to woodpeckers, the Brightbird hummingbird, the blue Skull Island Hawks, and the Dapper Crow that fed on whatever it could find, animal or vegetable. | |
Giant Crabs |
Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie |
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Giant manta ray |
King Kong: The Island of the Skull | In the waters surrounding Skull Island, Tommy Hautala, a pearl diver aboard the Mia Susana, spotted a giant manta ray the size of a car gliding through the water. The rest of the crew dismissed this sighting as an exaggeration of a regular manta ray's size.[4] | |
Giant clams |
King Kong: The Island of the Skull | Well off the coast of Skull Island, in rocky crags 30 feet deep were immense clam beds that housed immense clams. Their size was described by Sam Kelley as ranging from the size of dinner plates to kitchen tables.[5] They produced pearls about the size of golf balls.[6] While pearl diving, Kelley got too close to one such clam, and it clamped shut on his leg. He was later freed by his diving mate Tommy Hautala, who killed the clam by shearing off the muscle that held the halves of its hinged shell in place. | |
Giant crabs |
King Kong: The Island of the Skull | Out in the clam beds off the island's coast, a species of crab standing three feet tall and four feet wide lived. They had domed shells with bony spines and antennae with bulging black eyes the size of billiard balls. One wandered the clam bed where Sam Kelley was pearl diving, and attacked when his leg got caught in a clam; however, his partner Tommy Hautala sneaked up behind the crab and stabbed it three times on its dome, leaving it spewing purplish blood into the water. It was frenzied for a moment before dying as all of its fluid spewed out into the surrounding water. The blood attracted a gargantuan reptile that ate the crab's body before biting Tommy in half. Unlike other crabs, this species scuttled forward.[7] | |
Unidentified plesiosaur |
King Kong: The Island of the Skull | Out in the waters beyond the storm system surrounding Skull Island at a depth of 30 feet lived a species of plesiosaur with a V-shaped, crocodile-like head five feet long on a body of roughly 40 to 50 feet. Its body was fishlike and cylindrical with fins and flippers. It had rough skin that tore through a diving suit on contact. Attracted to the blood of a dead crab killed by pearl divers, one member of the species snapped up the crab before stopping to select which diver was more to its liking, and settling on Tommy Hautala. It bit through the middle of his body, leaving two bleeding stumps from his feet, and his head exploded against his diving suit's faceplate from the change in pressure. On spotting the Mia Susana in the water above, it began to attack the ship, altering its course toward Skull Island.[8]
However, another individual's skeleton, which had been alive five years ago, was discovered by Dr. Leonard Mlodinow, and he took it with him on the Graf Zeppelin in an attempt to get it out of Europe, which he felt was becoming too tense. But when he arrived with his groundbreaking discovery at the American Museum of Natural History in New York, a man named Robertson, a representative for the President of the Museum, informed him that nothing would be done about the discovery, as the Great Depression had taken all of the government's attention, and funds making it impractical to fund an expedition to find prehistoric creatures. The skeleton remained in the Museum's basement, with neither party knowing when, if ever, it might be unveiled to the public. |
Name | Image | Appearance(s) | Description |
Mire Squid |
Kong: Skull Island (2017) |
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Squid-like creature |
Kong: Skull Island - The Official Movie Novelization (2017) | A squid-like creature attacked the Grey Fox, trying to drag Warrant Officer Reg Slivko into the water. Hank Marlow threw the boat into reverse and injured it with the propeller, but it soon returned, attacking Slivko again. Lin San freed him with Marlow's katana. Once the creature had enough purchase on the boat, it raised itself out of the water, only for James Conrad to shoot out one of its eyes. After San cut off another tentacle, it retreated. | |
Swamp Locust |
Skull Island: The Birth of Kong (2017) |
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Kraken |
Skull Island |
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Trapdoor Crab |
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Hawk Monster |
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Dodo Bird |
In "Breakfast Fit for a Kong", Charlie and Mike were stared down by a large Dodo Bird after Annie and Dog abruptly left them to find breakfast. After Mike tried to intimidate it, the creature charged at full speed. They prepared to fight it hand-to-hand, with Mike significantly more enthusiastic than Charlie, only for Dog to crash down on top of it. Taking its neck in his mouth, he slammed it into the ground, quickly killing it. As Annie declared the bird breakfast, Charlie realized she had used them as bait. The group roasted the Dodo Bird over a fire.
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Skull Island fish |
In "You're Not a King, You're Just a Stupid Animal", the Spanish-speaking Skull Islanders caught several unusual species of fish. | ||
Skull Island birds |
In "The Last Blank Space on the Map", two brightly-colored birds flew over the beach. | ||
Mantleclaw |
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Monarch: Legacy of Monsters |
Fern bird |
Kong and Me | A green bird with a tail like a fern blends in with the folliage as Jia and Kong replant a tree. It was originally designed by Stephanie Levallois for Kong: Skull Island.
Kong of Skull Island
Name | Image | Appearance(s) | Description |
Squid Worms |
King Kong: Skull Island Adventure (2008) | Squid Worms were a carnivorous predator that could be found at lengths between one inch and 10 feet. However, when they reach sizes at which they are unable to swim, they abandon their hunting lifestyle and remain on the seafloor as an ambush predator.[9] | |
Chromataphor Squids |
King Kong: Skull Island Adventure (2008) | Chromataphor Squids were a species of bio-luminescent squid that gathered in pools, and dazzled spectators to their mating ritual with their flares of color. Their blood, known as Zyaxquqa to the native Tagatu, translates to "the aura", was used to create a light-activated paint that they used to create "moving" murals on cave walls.[10] | |
Stinging squid |
King Kong: Skull Island Adventure (2008) | An unnamed species of cephalopod that stung the victim on contact were a delicacy among the Tagatu when served with special herbs and spices. Two were given to Carl Denham as a gift from a man with nine fingers.[11] | |
Carnivorous snail |
King Kong: Skull Island Adventure (2008) | An unnamed species of beaked snail with a spiked shell lived on the island.[12] | |
Unknown sea creatures |
King Kong: Skull Island Adventure (2008) | The waters in and around Skull Island were teeming with life of all kinds, but diving in to catalog them would have been suicidal. As such, Denham recorded those few that were washed ashore.[13] | |
Unnamed cephalopod |
Kong on the Planet of the Apes (2018) | An enormous toothed octopus-like creature attacked the expedition of Doctor Zaius shortly before they arrived on Skull Island, and nearly capsized the ship as it was attacked by giant Pteranodons. |
Kong Reborn
Name | Image | Appearance(s) | Description |
Scavenger Ravens |
King Kong |
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Giant vultures |
Kong Reborn | Giant vultures could be found in the jungle. They fed on carrion, and at least six of them swarmed the corpse of a Meat-Eater after Kong killed one to save Ann Darrow. In 2009, dozens of the creatures fed on the corpses of fallen humans and dinosaurs after a battle with Kong left plenty of carrion in a clearing. | |
Monster Trevally |
Kong Reborn | A species of five-foot long fish that lived in the waters surrounding the island. They were the first species discovered by the 2009 expedition. | |
Monster Gulls |
Kong Reborn | Monster Gulls were a species of white bird with a 20-foot wingspan that preyed on Monster Trevallies. | |
Black Eagles |
Kong Reborn | Black Eagles lived on the island's coast. They were not particularly monstrous, but were larger than most known sea birds. |
See also
This is a list of references for Skull Island birds and sealife. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]
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