Skull Island bugs

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Mosquito nets here are useless - better to use barb wire and sentries

— Unknown, Fall expedition to Skull Island, 1936 (The World of Kong: A Natural History of Skull Island)

The following is a list of arthropods living on Skull Island across the various continuities and stories featuring King Kong.

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Name Image Appearance(s) Description
Great Spider
Peter Jackson Great Spider.png
King Kong (1932),
"The Lost Spider Pit Sequence" (2005)
Main article: Great Spider.
While scrapped from the film version, the 1932 novelization of King Kong featured a species of keg-shaped spiders that lived in a slimy chasm. They swarmed around prey that fell into their domain. In the 1991 comic adaptation, they spun a web across the pit's bottom to help in landing meals.
Octopus Insect.png
King Kong (1932),
"The Lost Spider Pit Sequence" (2005)
Main article: Octopus-Insect.
A species of insect with octopus-like arms inhabited the Skull Island chasm in the 1932 novelization. They were also scrapped from the film.
Crab creature
Angry crab.png
"The Lost Spider Pit Sequence" (2005) A creature somewhere between a crab and a spider was intended to appear in the original film, but the sequence in which they appeared was cut and has since been lost to time. However, one appeared in Peter Jackson's recreation of the scene, in which it attacked and ate one of the crew members of the Venture.


Name Image Appearance(s) Description
Skull Island Termites
SI Termite.png
The World of Kong The Skull Island Termites were divided into three castes. The winged caste left the mound to breed, and the two soldier castes protected it. The spade-shaped variety had powerful jaws, and the narrow-headed variety could spit noxious chemicals to ward away attackers. The termites were known to make enormous termite mounds that could rival the island's dinosaurs in size. Some dinosaurs like Ferrucutus used the termites to combat dermal parasites by brushing up on the mounds and allowing the termites to kill anything unwelcome, while its own hide kept the dinosaur from harm.[1] Their larvae were a favorite source of protein for Calcarisaurus.[2]
Scissor beetle.png
The World of Kong Scissor-Beetles were blood-seeking flightless carrion-eating insects that used grasshopper-like legs to hop onto prey, where they used their blade-like mandibles to cut off chunks of meat.[3]
The World of Kong Maggotflies were hairy, flying bugs that dropped their young on rotting carcasses, while feeding off the maggots left by other flies. If the adult Maggotfly was unable to deposit their young within the first few hours after their hatching, they would eat their parent, on which they rode.[3]
Meat Weevil
Meat Weevil.png
The World of Kong Meat Weevils were a species that laid eggs in carcasses that were so resilient that they survived being eaten by carrion feeders that hatched and emerged from the respective animal's dung.[3]
Carrion Centipede
Carrion Centipede.png
The World of Kong Carrion Centipedes were carrion feeders that would remove meat from a carcass and bury it.[3]
Ornate Carrion Beetle
Ornate carrion beetle.png
The World of Kong Ornate Carrion Beetles, in order to stake their claims at the rare and highly demanded unattended kills of Skull Island, evolved to smell carrion from miles around, and emit noxious chemicals from their brightly colored shells to deter other carrion feeders. The swarms of beetles could then stake an exclusive claim to the carcass.[4]
The World of Kong Nigracassida dung beetles grew to three or four inches in length and specialized in harvesting the more than plentiful deposits of excrement on Skull Island and burying them for later consumption. They were preyed on by White Wedgeheads, a species of lizard that had evolved specifically to eat them.[5]
The World of Kong Moonspiders, a variety of the 10-legged Sunspiders, hunted at night to avoid being preyed upon by larger organisms. Their powerful jaws and paralytic venom made short work of the rodents, lizards, birds, and dinosaur chicks it fed on. Moonspiders adapted to pick up the scent of egg matter in the night, cluing the Moonspider in that a nest was hatching. The Moonspider then located the nest and would eat the dinosaur hatchlings.[6]
The World of Kong Estrivermis were swamp-dwelling 15- to 20-inch parasites that used their sharp, pointed mouths to burrow into blood vessels and attach themselves. The Estrivermis would then attach themselves and feed from the blood vessel for the rest of its life, with its tail still hanging outside, spewing excrement and eggs into the swamp waters.[7]
The World of Kong Profanus were 20- to 30-inch-long free-swimming tapeworms that burrowed through the skin of their prey to expose the flesh and deposit their eggs into the wound. The Profanus larvae then hatched and lived in the wound until they swam away to breed.[7]
The World of Kong Contereobestiolla lived as larvae in still freshwater until they were ingested by a fish. They then attached themselves to the fish's insides, pupated and lived in the gut as fully grown one- to three-inch arthropods that fed on swallowed food, and slowly multiplied inside the fish until they took over its entire digestive system.[7]
The World of Kong Nepalacus were aquatic neopedes, Skull Island descendants of centipedes, that could grow to anywhere from eight to 16 inches in length. They had webbed legs, making them agile swimmers, and there were many species with varying ranges of leg lengths and webbing patterns.[8]
The World of Kong Aspiscimex were predatory neopedes with soft, flexible bodies that lived in Skull Island's swampland. Their hind-most legs were replaced by a flat tail, and their jaws were sharp and powerful, allowing them to prey on small fish. They grew up to 18 to 23 inches in length.[9]
The World of Kong Hydruscimex were the largest neopede at lengths ranging from nine to 12 feet. Its poison was not the most potent of the neopedes, but its size alone allowed it to inject lethal doses strong enough to down small dinosaurs.[9]
The World of Kong Mortifillex were three- to four-foot-long aquatic bugs that used a hook-like lure to attract prey, and specially adapted mandible-like arms to inject nerve poison.[9]
King Kong
The World of Kong
Main article: Scorpio-pede.
Scorpio-pedes were neopedes that lived in Skull Island's swamps. As larvae they were fully aquatic predators, but as adults they lived near the water and harvested algae from the rocks and trees.[10]
Predatory Pond Skaters
SI Pond skaters.png
The World of Kong Predatory Pond Skaters were insects that skimmed the surface of Skull Island's still waters that sucked fluid out of their unsuspecting victims after locating them by homing in on the ripples they created on the water's surface.[11]
The World of Kong Mortaspis were black and yellow relatives of the mosquito that sucked blood in Skull Island's swamps.[12]
The World of Kong
Journey to Skull Island
Spinaculex were two-inch-long red spiny mosquitoes that had bulbous thoraxes that could expand to accommodate the blood they sucked. The constant drone of their wings was a constant annoyance to the young Ligocristus that lived in the swamps.[12]
Megapede horridus
Megapede horridus.png
The World of Kong Megapede horridus were three- to four-foot-long centipedes that used their strong legs to grab their prey from the jungle floors before injecting their venom.[13]
The World of Kong Gyas were 20- to 30-inch-long centipedes that specialized in cracking eggshells from ground-nesting birds with their huge, scissor-like mandibles before drinking the escaping fluid.[13]
Megapede dereponecis
King Kong
The World of Kong
Kong's Kingdom
Journey to Skull Island
Megapede dereponecis were three- to five-foot-long centipedes, and were the largest centipede species ever to have lived. Because of this, they were too heavy to climb trees, and thus they hunted in their roots for hatchling dinosaurs which they immobilized with their venom. Females chewed tunnels into rotting logs and laid their eggs inside them. They then grew extremely territorial of the log and attacked anything that may have threatened their young.[13]
Video games
Megapede humus
The World of Kong Megapede humus were 26- to 40-inch-long centipedes that used their large sets of front legs to burrow underground and eat rats and other insects in their burrows.[13]
The World of Kong Stickalithus were eight- to 12-foot-long spiders that ate human-sized carnivorous birds and dinosaurs. Being too large to spin an intricate web, Stickalithus instead used their silk to create a nursery for their young. To capture prey, they waited in the low branches and foliage to hide themselves and dropped down to drain their prey, whose empty husks littered the ground beneath their roosts.[14]
Wicked Weaver
Wicked weaver.png
The World of Kong Wicked Weavers were four- to six-inch-long spiders that spun thin webs to ensnare small birds, insects, and some flying lizards. While some prey was large enough to break free and fall to the jungle floor, the Wicked Weaver's venom quickly immobilized prey and minimized their chance of escape.
Idolon illotus
The World of Kong Idolon illotus were slim and fast predatorial centipedes that lived in the jungle canopy and hunted for flizards. Its venom could kill prey within moments of a bite. They could grow to sizes ranging from 10 to 14 inches.[15]
Idolon venefaucus
The World of Kong Idolon venefaucus lived in the dense leaves and vines to ambush their prey. Their grey coloring served to camouflage their 20- to 24-inch-long bodies from predators and prey. Only the Skull Island Hornbill was immune to their particular venom and thus it was the only animal species that was able to eat them without harming itself or being killed.
Omnimatercimex harpeforceps
The World of Kong Omnimatercimex harpeforceps, ranging from 30 to 35 inches in length, were the largest of the tree-dwelling Skull Island centipedes. They preyed primarily on baby birds and baby dinosaurs. They had the unique trait of eating a hole into their meal, and lining it with their scent to warn off carrion hunters and ate their meal whole from the inside out. Baby dinosaurs could feed an Omnimatercimex for weeks.
Canopy Insects
Canopy bug chart.png
The World of Kong The Canopy Insects of Skull Island lived in many different ways, ranging from colony dwellers to solitary insects that were as individually adapted as one might find in any other ecosystem; however, there is no data of most of their individual behaviors provided.
BD Celocimex.png
King Kong
The World of Kong
While the crew of the Venture were trekking through the Skull Island jungles, they were bothered by a swarm of Celocimex, which Lumpy blasted apart with his Tommy gun.
BD Backstabber Noxmuscus.png
King Kong
The World of Kong
Noxmuscus were predators that chose to prey primarily on the Sap Snails of Skull Island, which fed, as their name suggests, on tree sap. The Noxmuscus had developed a strong, flat proboscis to pry the snails from trees and to allow them to drop to the jungle floor, where they would jab it into the soft flesh and drink the snail's insides.

While running away from Kong, Ann Darrow was stung on her shoulder by a Noxmuscus.

Unguasilus 2.png
The World of Kong
Kong's Kingdom
Journey to Skull Island
Kong: The 8th Wonder of the World (Meredith books)
Unguasilus were bugs that sacrificed themselves for their young, a trait not commonly found in insects. Females laid parasitic eggs on their mate's thorax. The eggs then drained their father for nutrition through his porous exoskeleton. On hatching, the larvae slowly ate their father alive until they pupated in his dry husk and emerged as miniature versions of the fully grown wasps. Their likeness is used to represent all of the various Skull Island bugs in the electronic storybook based on the film.
BD Decarnocimex.png
King Kong
The World of Kong
Decarnocimex were five- to 10-foot-long carnivorous relatives of crickets that lived in the chasm depths of Skull Island and were famous for tearing prey apart with their bladed forelimbs. Females dragged the carcasses of small animals that fell into their domain into holes dug into the chasm walls where they laid their eggs. They then sealed themselves in with a cement-like mucus. The young would then feed on the meat until they were old enough to eat their way out of the nursery.

When the crew of the Venture was thrown into a pit, several Decarnocimex were part of the onslaught they faced. Carl Denham beat one back with a short stick while another crept up from behind and attacked him alongside a swarm of Weta-rexes. More Decarnocimex crawled down the walls to join in the fray, but gunfire from above caused them to scatter.

King Kong
The World of Kong
Main article: Weta-rex.
Weta-rexes were two- to three-foot-long relatives of the weta of New Zealand; however, unlike wetas, the Weta-rexes were ferocious carnivores. Using their shear-like mandibles, swarms of Weta-rexes could easily down an adult dinosaur.
King Kong
The World of Kong
Main article: Arachno-claw.
Aracho-claws were spiders four to six feet in size. They laid their microscopic eggs in carrion on the chasm floor, but most were either eaten by carrion eaters, or drowned in the slime that coated the pit's bottom. They were then ingested by Carnictis, in the guts of which they pupated and lived as stomach parasites until they pupated and emerged from the rectum as miniature adults.
Megapede impurus
The World of Kong Megapede impurus lived in the filth below Terapusmordax colonies. The nearly three-foot-long centipedes fed on infant Terapusmordax that fell from the ceiling, and would strike before they could crawl back up, assuming they had not died or sustained a horrible injury.
Unnamed spider
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King Kong (novelization) While hiding from predators in a hollow beneath a tree, Ann Darrow was approached by a spider with hairy legs that were two feet long. It had only just begun to feel around on her leg when she fled from the scene in terror.[16] Perhaps upset by the noise, several giant spiders, possibly of the same species encountered by Darrow, swarmed out of the cracks in the cliff walls as Bruce Baxter fired down at the bugs in the pit below to save the crew of the Venture.[17]
Giant dragonfly
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King Kong (novelization)
Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie
A type of gigantic dragonfly-like bugs with wasp-like thoraxes were present when the surviving members of the crew of the Venture were rescued by Bruce Baxter. Several of the dragonfly creatures were blasted apart during this operation.[18] In the video game, the corpses of giant dragonflies can be used to lure other creatures away from Jack if killed with a spear. Shooting them down will attract predators.
Scarab beetle
Scrabby boi.png
Kong: The 8th Wonder of the World The island was home to sizable scarab beetles whose shells could be found on the ground under various low bushes. Their shells could be combined with sulphur to create makeshift explosives comparable to a hand grenade.


Name Image Appearance(s) Description
Mother Longlegs
Fullscreen capture 6222017 82437 AM.bmp.jpg
Kong: Skull Island,
Skull Island: The Birth of Kong
Main article: Mother Longlegs.
Mother Longlegs are a species of gargantuan spider with legs resembling bamboo shoots that lived and hunted in the bamboo forests of Skull Island.
Spore Mantis
Spore Mantis 4K HD.png
Kong: Skull Island
Main article: Spore Mantis.
The Spore Mantis is a species of giant insect that evolved to resemble logs on the forest floor.
Swamp Locust
Swamp Locust.JPG
Skull Island: The Birth of Kong
Main article: Swamp Locust.
The Swamp Locust is a species of enormous aquatic insect that hunts by submerging its body before entrapping its prey with its long legs.
Snarehunter Valkyrie.png
Kong: Skull Island,
Kong: Skull Island Cinematic Adventure
Main article: Snarehunter.
The Snarehunter is an ant-like superspecies with five castes, including Titan queens.
Giant wasp
Test Image.png
Kong: Skull Island - The Official Movie Novelization During their expedition through the island, Conrad's party encountered a carnivorous plant with several dead animals inside its maw, including a wasp the size of Weaver’s hand.
Vinestrangler 1.PNG.png
Kong: Skull Island bonus feature — "Monarch Files 2.0 (Companion Archive)"
Main article: Vinestrangler.
The Vinestrangler is a slender insect which uses dozens of tentacles to drag prey into its massive maw.
Trapdoor Crab
Trapdoor Crab Infobox.png
Skull Island
Main article: Trapdoor Crab.
Rock Bug
Sock Bug.jpg
Skull Island
Main article: Rock Bug.
Giant Ant
Skull Island In "Breakfast Fit for a Kong", Charlie fell down a long tunnel, finally coming to a stop in a chamber occupied by a long-dead Giant Ant, which partially crumbled at his touch. Mike and Annie eventually made contact with Charlie, but Dog was uninterested in rescuing him. Mike climbed down to retrieve Charlie first, followed by a bloodthirsty Annie after a living Giant Ant dragged its deceased counterpart into the shadows. An argument between her and Mike was cut short by the Giant Ant's approach. Charlie rushed in with an ancient sword he found in the chamber, but it shattered against the insect's exoskeleton. Annie then lay on the ground next to the confused ant and feigned helplessness, causing Dog to descend into the chamber and chase off the ant.
  • Series creator Brian Duffield declined to say whether the Giant Ant was a Snarehunter, though he commented that "those were the vibes we were playing with."[19]
Giant scorpion
SI giant scorpion infobox.jpg
Skull Island In "Terms of Endearment", Irene and her mercenaries discovered the art that Annie had carved on the hull of the beached ship that had stranded her on Annie's Island. One scene showed her and Dog fighting a giant scorpion.
Giant centipede
SI giant centipede.png
Skull Island In "You'll Never Catch a Monkey That Way", Cap was ambushed by a giant centipede while searching for Charlie. Drawing a pocket knife, Cap prepared to defend himself, but before it could strike, a flare gun round suddenly lodged itself in its head. As it fled, he turned to find a still-sickly Mike, who blew smoke from the barrel before collapsing.
Monarch: Legacy of Monsters
Main article: Mantleclaw.
The Mantleclaw is a crab Titan[21] that can camouflage itself using its magma-like carapace.

Kong of Skull Island

Name Image Appearance(s) Description
Giant spider
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Kong of Skull Island (2016-17) While confronting Ewata in the jungle, Queen Usana of the Tagatu was nearly attacked by a giant spider, which Ewata skewered before it could cause her harm.
Unnamed giant centipede
Kong: Gods of Skull Island (2017) While Captain Cooper and his four remaining crewmen of the 1912 Conrad expedition to Skull Island was being chased through the jungle by Kong, a giant purple centipede with many red eyes leaped out of the jungle and ate one of the sailors.
Giant worm
Kong: Gods of Skull Island (2017) In Bar-Atu's Kong religion, there is a tale of Kong's youth stating that when Kong was young, he was kidnapped by a giant worm from the center of the Earth, and rescued by his mother with whom he helped to kill the worm and liberate its followers.
Giant mosquitoes
Kong: Gods of Skull Island (2017) A swarm of gigantic mosquitoes attacked Conrad and his missionaries as they trekked through the jungle.
Giant locust
Kong on the Planet of the Apes (2018) While stationed on Skull Island, some gorilla troops killed a gigantic locust-like creature.

Kong Reborn

Name Image Appearance(s) Description
Purple fly
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Kong Reborn A species of fly that inhabited the coastal regions of Skull Island. They were far larger than a housefly, but by no means monstrous. Their bodies were purple in color.
White spider
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Kong Reborn A species of thick-legged white spiders about two feet across inhabited the jungles, and spun webs across well-traveled paths to snare passing creatures.
Giant centipede
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Kong Reborn 30-inch-long creatures resembling giant centipedes were a common sight in the jungle. They could be seen feeding on carrion.
Goliath fly
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Kong Reborn Goliath flies were a species of fly of a size comparable to Goliath beetles.
Flat beetle
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Kong Reborn When a group of mercenaries arrived on Skull Island to assassinate Jack Denham, what is described solely as a "huge flat beetle" could be spotted traversing the stony ground around their Osprey.[22]
Giant beetle
Test Image.png
Kong Reborn A species of one-foot-long cockroach-like beetles could be seen crawling on the island's trees. One specimen was blown to bits by a mercenary who had been spooked by its hissing vocalizations.[23]
Scavenger beetle
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Kong Reborn A species of carrion feeding beetle lived on Skull Island and could be seen feeding on the carcasses of dinosaurs alongside giant vultures and other insects.

See also


This is a list of references for Skull Island bugs. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]

  1. Falconer & Weta Workshop 2005, pp. 58-59.
  2. Falconer & Weta Workshop 2005, p. 61.
  3. Jump up to: 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Falconer & Weta Workshop 2005, p. 70
  4. Falconer & Weta Workshop 2005, p. 71.
  5. Falconer & Weta Workshop 2005, p. 72.
  6. Falconer & Weta Workshop 2005, p. 80.
  7. Jump up to: 7.0 7.1 7.2 Falconer & Weta Workshop 2005, p. 91
  8. Falconer & Weta Workshop 2005, p. 94.
  9. Jump up to: 9.0 9.1 9.2 Falconer & Weta Workshop 2005, p. 95
  10. Falconer & Weta Workshop 2005, p. 96.
  11. Falconer & Weta Workshop 2005, p. 100.
  12. Jump up to: 12.0 12.1 Falconer & Weta Workshop 2005, p. 101
  13. Jump up to: 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 Falconer & Weta Workshop 2005, p. 159
  14. Falconer & Weta Workshop 2005, p. 163.
  15. Falconer & Weta Workshop 2005, p. 169.
  16. Golden 2005, p. 279.
  17. Golden 2005, p. 298.
  18. Golden 2005, p. 299.
  19. Duffield, Brian (23 June 2023). "I don't know if they're officially the same but those are the vibes we were playing with". X.
  20. Scorpion Titan.jpg
  21. Collis, Clark (3 November 2023). "Tremble before this first look at the Titans from Monarch: Legacy of Monsters". Entertainment Weekly.
  22. Blackford 2005, p. 348.
  23. Blackford 2005, p. 350.



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