Scavenger Raven

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Scavenger Raven
Scavenger Raven
Species Gigantic bird
Enemies Humans
First appearance Latest appearance
King Kong (1933) Kong Reborn

The Scavenger Ravens are giant birds native to Skull Island which appeared briefly in the 1933 film King Kong and later in the 2005 novel Kong Reborn by Russell Blackford.


The Scavenger Ravens' name comes from their being a giant bird closely resembling a crow or raven, and that it feeds on carrion.


Scavenger Ravens are huge birds that bear a close resemblance to corvids such as crows or ravens, being larger than even an ostrich.[1] They have clawed feet, though prefer to use their beaks to tear flesh off of their prey.


King Kong (1933)

As Jack Driscoll approached the incapacitated Meat-Eater, mortally wounded after its fight with King Kong, a Scavenger Raven could be seen pecking at it before flying away, startled.


Kong Reborn

Deep in the jungle in the year 2009, two Scavenger Ravens picked at the carcass of a gargantuan crocodile-like creature when an exploration team of humans came into the clearing. The Ravens eyed them, but made no move and did not see them as a threat, despite the immense number of guns pointed at them. Even when Kong, a four ton gorilla, ran past, the Ravens made no move and continued their meal.

Later, a Raven flew over the wall to see the human base camp on the beach. Its presence frightened the mercenaries who were commandeering the scientific camp and, in a show of power, the briefly fearful leader ordered them to shoot the observing bird. It died painfully in a volley of M-16 rifle fire. It did not fear the humans, and was simply observing. A group of four Ravens later fed on the corpses of two enormous Sauropods, along with the giant insects.



This is a list of references for Scavenger Raven. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]

  1. Blackford, Russell (1 November 2005). Kong Reborn. ibooks. p. 284. ISBN 1-59687-133-4.


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