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Abaddon in the trailer for Kong: Survivor Instinct
Titanus Abaddon
Species Giant arachnid Titan
Height 323 feet[1]
Place(s) of emergence United StatesKSIn (Devils TowerGKotM)
Controlled by King Ghidorah (temporarily)GKotM
Relations Plague Weavers (offspring),
Mother Longlegs (offspring),
all arachnids (possible descendants),[2]
Enemies King Kong
Designed by Kacper Widzisz[3]
First appearance Latest appearance

Kong: Survivor Instinct teaser trailer[4]

Abaddon (アバドン,   Abadon) is an arachnid Titan who was first alluded to on a map in the 2019 Monsterverse film Godzilla: King of the Monsters, and was one of the many monsters that ravaged the globe under King Ghidorah's command. It made its first physical appearance in the video game Kong: Survivor Instinct, where it took over the downtown area of an American coastal city and dueled Kong. Titan Truth Podcast host Bernie Hayes expounded on its origins in the "Abaddon" comic in the Monsterverse Declassified anthology.


Abaddon is named after an angel of the same name from the Book of Revelation who is said to command an army of locusts. The name is derived from the Hebrew ’Ăḇaddōn (אֲבַדּוֹן), meaning "destruction" or "doom". It is designated Titanus Abaddon by Monarch.


Abaddon resembles a cross between a giant spider and a human skull. Its head is reminiscent of a human's upper jaw in shape with eight large, white eyes on both sides of it. Abaddon has a large vertebrate-esque mouth that sports two large fangs and a row of pointed teeth. It has two large depressions on both sides of its thorax, resembling human eye sockets, and a third one at the center resembling a nasal socket. Connecting its legs to its body are several artery-like structures. Abaddon's legs are long and spindly with pointed tips that resemble those of black widow spiders. It has an additional set of smaller protrusions on the back of its abdomen that are similar in appearance to spinnerets, and its abdomen resembles those of cork-lid trapdoor spiders in shape. Abaddon's body is gray in color with crimson markings on its body and legs, as well as a large orange marking on its abdomen.


Abaddon has been known to humanity since at least the time of the Nazca, who used it as the basis for one of the Nazca lines (presumably "the Spider"). Abaddon was evidently regarded as a threat by the later Inca Empire, as an Incan inscription discovered by Monarch inside of a cave beneath the Nazca lines warned of the Titan. According to the Hyenas' chief scientific officer, an ancient South American inscription (possibly the same one discovered by Monarch) could be translated to read, "You cannot hide. Abaddon's malevolence sees with eight all-knowing eyes." Furthermore, the officer posited that "there exists evidence" to suggest that Abaddon is the origin of all arachnid species on the planet.



Godzilla: King of the Monsters

Abaddon was among the many Titans awakened by King Ghidorah's alpha call in 2019 after it remained dormant in Monarch Outpost 77 beneath Devils Tower, Wyoming. It was later pacified after Madison Russell activated the Orca in Fenway Park.


Physical abilities

Abaddon jabbed repeatedly at David Martin with its sharp legs and tried to snatch him up in its jaws him in Kong: Survivor Instinct. When it battled Kong in the same game, it grabbed him with its legs and bit him on the shoulder before he threw it backwards.


Abaddon is capable of spinning webs like a spider, though appropriately gigantic for its size. It uses these to capture prey (which is known to include humans and even elephants), as well as to ward off enemies. Abbadon is also capable of shooting web threads from its mouth and retracting them to pull any victim it catches directly into its jaws.


Abaddon is fossorial, digging underground tunnels which allow it to travel the globe. It may also use these tunnels to hide, coupled with its ability to remain motionless for up to centuries at a time.


Abaddon possesses internal egg sacs which hatch into superspecies called Plague Weavers. The Weavers are kept inside of its body until reaching maturity, after which they emerge from the 'eye sockets' of its skull-like thorax. Legends describe this action as Abbadon "weeping" its offspring into the world.


According to Monarch, Abaddon commands an "army" of "soldiers", the most formidable of which are the Plague Weavers. It controls these Weavers through some form of psychic communication, the study of which Monarch believes may allow for the development of technology "functionally indistinguishable from telepathy." Huge spiders resembling black widows, different from the Weavers, can also be observed crawling around the areas that Abaddon has ravaged in Kong: Survivor Instinct, though it is unclear whether they are soldiers. The Chief Scientific Officer of the Hyenas even postulates that Abaddon's influence may extend to all arachnids on Earth, which lie in wait for its commands.


Abaddon quickly recovered from a punch to the face by Kong in Kong: Survivor Instinct.

Video games




Godzilla: King of the Monsters


Godzilla: King of the Monsters

Video games

Kong: Survivor Instinct


In other languages

Language Name Meaning
Flagicon Japan.png Japanese アバドン Abadon Transliteration of English name
China and Taiwan Flags.png Mandarin Chinese 阿巴頓 Ābādùn Transliteration of English name
Flagicon South Korea.png Korean 아바돈 Abadon Transliteration of English name


  • Abaddon is not the Monsterverse's first arthropod superspecies to incorporate a skull into its design, as it is preceded by the Skull Ant, who debuted earlier in 2024.
  • Abaddon's design is similar to the Skulltula enemy from The Legend of Zelda video game series, as both are arachnids with a skull-shaped feature on their thoraxes.
  • Abaddon's initial place of rest, Monarch Outpost 77 beneath Devils Tower, Wyoming, is possibly a reference to the 1977 American sci-fi movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind, in which Devils Tower is a central location. Devil's Tower is also the subject of myths in multiple Native American cultures regarding a colossal bear that created the butte's unusual texture with its powerful claws.
  • Abaddon is the second arachnid monster to have been a foe of Kong in the Monsterverse, following the Mother Longlegs.


This is a list of references for Abaddon. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]

  1. Kannekanti 2024, p. 107.
  2. Kannekanti 2024, p. 107: "Now, there is enough biological evidence to suggest all arachnid species on Earth have been birthed by Abaddon."
  3. Widzisz, Kacper (17 November 2024). "TITANUS ABADDON Official Concept". ArtStation.
  4. @7lvls (16 August 2024). "#TitanusAbaddon 📷is unleashed and no Titan is safe. Do you have the instinct to survive in this #Monsterverse indie action-adventure game? @Legendary @Monsterverse @GodzillaMovies". X.



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