Legendary Comics

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Legendary Comics
Legendary Comics' logo

Type Comic book publisher
Status Active
Led by
  • Bob Schreck (editor-in-chief)
  • Greg Tumbarello (editor)
  • Bob Schreck
  • Greg Tumbarello
Founded 2010
Burbank, California, United States

Legendary Comics is an American comic book publisher and a division of Legendary Pictures. Founded in 2010 with the appointment of editor-in-chief Bob Schreck and editor Greg Tumbarello, its first title was Frank Miller's Holy Terror in 2011, the commercial success of which cemented Legendary Comics as a major comic publisher. Legendary Comics has gone on to primarily publish tie-in graphic novels for its parent company's film productions, with some such as Pacific Rim: Tales from Year Zero and Godzilla: Awakening becoming New York Times bestsellers. In addition, Legendary Comics has published other titles such as the Eisner Award-nominated Annihilator by Grant Morrison and Frazer Irving and an adaptation of Bram Stoker's 1897 novel Dracula. Legendary Comics has published at least one tie-in graphic novel or comic miniseries for every film in the Monsterverse franchise so far.

Selected publications

External links


  1. Originally published on WEBTOON in 2018, in association with storycom.
  2. Reprint of Pacific Rim: Tales from Year Zero, Pacific Rim: Tales from the Drift, Pacific Rim: Aftermath, Pacific Rim: Amara, and Pacific Rim: Blackout.
  3. Hardcover collection of all prior Monsterverse graphic novels along with the original story Godzilla: Fight or Flight.


This is a list of references for Legendary Comics. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]

  1. Legendary Comics (27 July 2024). "Pacific Rim: Final Breach". Kickstarter.


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