BOOM! Studios

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BOOM! Studios
BOOM! Studios' logo

Type Print media publisher
Status Active
Led by
  • Paul Levitz (Board of Directors)
  • Matt Gagnon (Editor in Chief)
  • Ross Richie
  • Andrew Cosby
Founded June 1, 2005
Los Angeles, California, United States

BOOM! Studios is an American comic book publishing company headquartered in Los Angeles, California. It collaborated with DeVito Artworks, LLC to publish numerous comics based on the King Kong of Skull Island property between 2016 and 2018. In 2017, with the cooperation of 20th Century FOX, BOOM! Studios published a crossover comic miniseries between King Kong and the Planet of the Apes franchise, for which it also holds the comic rights. It collaborated with IDW Publishing in 2022 on the crossover comic miniseries Godzilla vs. The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.

Selected publications

External links

See also


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