Charlton Comics

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Charlton Comics
Charlton Comics' logo

Type Print media publisher
Status Defunct
  • John Santangelo, Sr.
  • Ed Levy
Founded 1945
Defunct 1985
Derby, Connecticut, United States
Parent company Charlton Publications
Succeeded by Avalon Comics, Charlton Media Group

Charlton Comics was a Connecticut-based American comic book publishing company that operated from 1945 to 1985, when aging equipment, poor sales, and general turmoil in the comics industry forced it to go out of business. The rights to its comics were variously sold to their original creators, DC Comics, and Canadian entrepreneur Roger Broughton, the last of whom reprinted many of Charlton's titles (among others) under the name "Avalon Comics". Though Charlton published original comics, it was also famous for its adaptations of films and TV, including the monster movies Gorgo, Konga, and Reptilicus.

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