Kong and Me

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Kong and Me
Kong and Me
Author(s) Kiki Thorpe
Illustrated by Nidhi Chanani
Publisher Legendary Comics
Publish date March 30, 2021
Pages 36 pages
Genre Picture book

Kong and Me is a children's picture book published by Legendary Comics, written by Kiki Thorpe and illustrated by Nidhi Chanani and based on the film Godzilla vs. Kong. It focuses on Kong and the Iwi girl Jia as they spend a day together exploring Skull Island. The book was published on March 30, 2021.


Kong will find himself the center of an charming and enthralling children’s book by New York Times’ author Kiki Thorpe, with illustrations by Nidhi Chanani (Pashmina; I will be fierce). Young fans will be able to follow along as the mighty Titan and his new pal spend a day of fun and adventure exploring the many wonders of Skull Island—proving that friendships come in many sizes and no matter how different we are, no one is too big or small to find a true friend.


Jia tells of her unusual friendship with King Kong, the Titan ruler of Skull Island. On the beach, Kong builds Jia a huge sand castle and creates a pool by cupping his hands together. Further inland, they explore the woods, watch clouds, and try to play hide-and-seek, though Kong's footprints make him easy to find. Kong uproots a tree trying to mimic Jia's flower-picking, and she convinces him to replant it. As the day ends, they try seeing the world from each other's perspective: Kong lying in a field watching butterflies, Jia sitting on his head watching the sunset.




Weapons, vehicles, and races


Staff role on the left, staff member's name on the right.

  • Written by   Kiki Thorpe
  • Illustrations by   Nidhi Chanani
  • Design by   Phil Balsman
  • Edited by   Jann Jones
  • Special thanks   Alex Garcia, Jay Ashenfelter, Zak Kline, Barnaby Legg, Rebecca Rush, Legendary Publicity, Josh Parker, Brooke Hansohn, Jennifer Stewart



Legendary Comics: Monsterverse Publishing 2020 | WonderCon@Home 2020
Godzilla vs. Kong publishing program trailer

External links


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