The Art of Shin Godzilla

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The Art of Shin Godzilla
The Art of Shin Godzilla
Author(s) Khara, Toho, Hideaki Anno (supervisor)
Publisher Ground Works
Publish date December 29, 2016
Genre Reference

The Art of Shin Godzilla (ジ・アート・オブ・シン・ゴジラ,   Ji Āto Obu Shin Gojira) is a 2016 informational book detailing the development of Toho's Shin Godzilla.


The Art of Shin Godzilla, published by Ground Works and released on December 29, 2016, has 560 pages containing over 70,000 characters, hundreds of images, the revisions to the script of the film, along with unused scenarios, staff interviews, and more.

The Art of Shin Godzilla comes inside a white box with a "The Art of Shin Godzilla" sticker. Inside the box is a black container that contains the book, alongside a booklet containing the script for the film (which comes in a cardboard container), two double-sided posters, a flyer promoting the Evangelion Store, and a bookmark promoting the Godzilla Store. With all of this inside the box, it weighs 3.55 kilograms (7.8 lbs).

The book, reading from left to right, comes with a dust jacket which depicts Godzilla's back and tail, while the actual book's hardcover binding is black and featureless except for a small ジ・アート・オブ・ゴジラ imprinted on the front cover on the upper left. The inner cover of the book, both front and back, shows Godzilla's DNA map created by Goro Maki in the movie.


『シン・ゴジラ』制作のために描かれたデザイン画・イメージボード・資料写真等を収録した画集・写真集であり、スタッフインタビュー・メイキング記録もたっぷり収録した公式記録集です。 庵野秀明総監督のロングインタビューも独占掲載!
外箱と本体の間にあるのは付録の「完成台本」! 台詞、ト書き、テロップに至るまで全て映画本編と同一内容を収録! もちろん役名役職記載のキャスト表付き。
企画メモをはじめ、庵野秀明による数十回にわたり執筆・改訂が繰り返されたプロットおよび脚本から6種を採録! "[1]


All detailed records of Shin Godzilla will be released in a luxurious hardcover bookbinding!

Shin Godzilla, the latest work in the Godzilla series for the first time in 12 years, will be released on July 29, 2016.

The script / general director is Hideaki Anno, the director / special effects director is Shinji Higuchi, and the cast is Hiroki Hasegawa, Yutaka Takenouchi, and Satomi Ishihara. The catch phrase is "Reality (Japan) vs. Fiction (Godzilla)". This is a new work expected by the Japanese movie industry. A book that shows all of how the movie Shin Godzilla was born and made will be released!

It is an art book and photo book that contains design drawings, image boards, material photos, etc. drawn for the production of Shin Godzilla, and is an official record book that also contains plenty of staff interviews and making records. Exclusive long interview with Hideaki Anno!

It is a record of the battle of modern video creators that can be read by everyone who loves and enjoys movies, not just fans of ancient and modern Godzilla. Between the outer box and the main body is the "completed script" in the appendix! All the same content as the main part of the movie is recorded, including the dialogue, writing, and telop! Of course, the cast table with the title and title is included.

Includes 6 types of plots and screenplays written and revised by Hideaki Anno dozens of times, including planning memos!


  • Foreword はじめに。 (p. 2)
  • Contents 目次 (p. 4)
  • Preface (p. 5)
    • (p. 6) G Work Memo (2nd Draft) G作品メモ(第2稿)
  • Modeling 造形 (p. 7)
    • (p. 8) Godzilla Image Design ゴジラ イメージデザイン
    • (p. 52) Interview: Godzilla Image Design, Image Boards and Storyboards Mahiro Maeida インタビュー/前田真宏
    • (p. 56) Godzilla Character Design ゴジラ キャラクターデザイン
    • (p. 102) Interview: Godzilla Character Designer Takayuki Takeya インタビュー/竹谷隆之
  • Story 物語 (p. 105)
    • (p. 106) Plots & Scenarios 箱書&脚本
    • (p. 107) Anno G / Plot Revised Version 庵野G/プロット改訂版
    • (p. 113) G Work Plot Proposal and Same 2 G作品プロット案修及び同2
    • (p. 119) G Work New Plot Memo 2 G作品新プロットメモ2
    • (p. 131) G Work Preparations G作品準備稿
    • (p. 150) G Work Subdivision G作品準定稿
    • (p. 171) G Work Final Decision Draft G作品最終決定稿
  • Pre-Production 映像準備 (p. 199)
    • (p. 200) Location Hunting Photos (Excerpt) ロケハン写真(一部抜粋)
    • (p. 208) Storyboards 画コンテ
  • Pre-Viz プリヴィズ (p. 218)
    • (p. 230) Interview: Pre-Viz CGI Director Takeshi Miyagi and Lead Pre-Viz Modeller Ken Tamura インタビュー/宮城 健 田村 健
    • (p. 234) Interview: Godzilla Concept Animator Shuhei Kumamoto
    • (p. 236) Interview: Pre-Viz Production Crewmembers Takuya Shibata, Ken Ohara and Tomonori Hirata プリヴィズ制作
    • (p. 239) Interview: Pre-Viz Production Crewmembers Hiroyuki Kashima and Atsushi Sakiyama プリヴィズ制作
  • Production Design (p. 242)
    • (p. 270) Interview: Yuji Hayashida and Eri Sakushima
    • (p. 274) Interview: Art Designer Masato Inatsuki 美術デザイン
  • Filming Godzilla (p. 292)
    • (p. 316) Interview: Kosuke Yamada
    • (p. 318) Interview: Shinya Kocho
    • (p. 320) Interview: Kimiyoshi Adachi
    • (p. 324) Interview: Norichika Oba and Kazuhiro Nakagawa
    • (p. 339) Interview: Yusuke Ishida
    • (p. 341) Interview: Masayuki
  • Special Effects & Miniature Arts (p. 344)
    • (p. 363) Interview: Toshio Miike
  • Filming Godzilla by the Second Unit (B Unit Crew) (p. 366)
    • (p. 368) Interview: Kensei Nakayama, Rotaro Kogushi and Linto Ueda
  • VFX & CG (p. 372)
    • Interview with several members of the VFX department of Shirogumi Inc. begin at page 434
    • (p. 434) Interview: Akira Iwamoto
    • (p. 436) Interview: Gou Fushimi
    • (p. 437) Interview: Shingo Kobayashi
    • (p. 439) Interview: Takuya Uenishi
    • (p. 440) Interview: Hiromasa Inoue
  • Interviews (p. 443)
    • (p. 444) Interview: Akihiro Yamauchi and Yoshihiro Sato
    • (p. 449) Interview: Nobuo Kawakami
    • (p. 452) Interview: Kazutoshi Wadakura and Toru Mori
    • (p. 455) Interview: Atsuki Sato
    • (p. 459) Interview: Tetsuo Ooya
    • (p. 462) Interview: Musical Composer Shiro SAGISU
    • (p. 469) Interview: Toru Noguchi and Haru Yamada
    • (p. 472) Interview: Ikki Todoroki
    • (p. 476) Interview: Katsurou Onoue
    • (p. 482) Interview: Shinji Higuchi
    • (p. 490) Interview: Director Hideaki Anno
  • Appendix 付記 (p. 541)
    • (p. 542) Special Contribution: Shin Godzilla and Me by Toshimichi Otsuki 特別寄稿 シン・ゴジラと私 大月俊倫
    • (p. 544) Advertising / Publicity 広告・宣伝
    • (p. 554) Ending Credits エンディングクレジット
    • (p. 559) Credits for The Art of Shin Godzilla



This is a list of references for The Art of Shin Godzilla. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]

See also


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