The Rockclaw is a burrowing crab-like superspecies[10] that resides in the Hollow Earth. It first appeared in the 2021 Monsterverse film Godzilla vs. Kong.
According to artist Ken Barthelmey, the creatures had no formal name during the production of Godzilla vs. Kong, with the staff opting to call them Rock Critters.[1][2] This name was also used in the film's art book and a display at Godzilla Interception Operation Awaji.[11] The film's Japanese theater program indicated that they were not yet identified in-universe either, labeling them unidentified organism (Rock Creature) (未確認生物(ロッククリーチャー) and stating that their designation by Mikakunin Seibutsu (Rokku Kurīchā))Monarch is "unknown."[3] They were variously identified as "Arachno-claw[s]" (a creature which appears in Peter Jackson's 2005 King Kong) by Max's English audio description for the film,[5][6] Lava Crabs by VFX supervisor John DesJardin,[7] lava creature[s] by artist Xander Smith,[9] Rock Crabs in PUBG Mobile, and crab-creatures in the film's novelization.
The creatures were finally identified as Rockclaws in the video game Godzilla x Kong: Titan Chasers, which also gives them the cryptozoological classification Saxum Brachyura. The latter is a combination of the Latin word saxum, meaning "rock," and the infraorder of crabs, Brachyura. The game includes two variants of the Rockclaw: juveniles called Rockclaw Grubs and particularly large individuals called Alpha Rockclaws.
The Rockclaw's design was laid down by Ken Barthelmey based on the description that they be a "camouflaged creature that blends in with the Hollow Earth rock."[2] According to artist Xander Smith, the creatures also "might have" been composed of crystals at one point in Godzilla vs. Kong's script.[12] Barthelmey took inspiration from crabs, adding claws which could extend from their shell and experimenting with various head and mouth designs; director Adam Wingard preferred a four-segmented, beak-like mouth.[2] Smith finalized the creatures' design in 3D using ZBrush.[12][13]
- Main article: Rockclaw/Gallery#Concept art.
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The Rockclaws are crab-like, with carapaces that resemble boulders when half-submerged in the ground. They have both endo- and exoskeletons[citation needed], clawed hands, and bony, beak-like pincer mouths.
The Rockclaws are classified by Monarch as "destroyers," alongside the likes of King Ghidorah, the Warbats, and more.[3] Rockclaw grubs are geovores, consuming rich minerals to strengthen their armor.
Upon the examination of the stomach contents of Rockclaw specimens, traces of several minerals including granite, peridotite, magnesium, and iron were discovered.[3]
- Godzilla vs. Kong (2021)
Godzilla vs. Kong
As Kong dashed through the Hollow Earth, his footfalls awakened dozens of Rockclaws half-submerged in the earth. As they scrambled to hide, one was swiftly snatched up by Doug.
The Rockclaws average a top land speed of 52 miles per hour, or roughly 84 kilometers per hour.[3]
The Rockclaws can burrow beneath the ground at average speeds of 36 miles per hour, or roughly 58 kilometers per hour. As a result of this burrowing, the creatures can generate magnitude 2.4 earthquakes.[3]
Physical abilities
The Rockclaws' pincers have a clamping force of 5,400 pounds per square inch, or roughly 37,200 kilopascals.[3] In the video game Godzilla x Kong: Titan Chasers, Rockclaw Grubs' Basic Attack is Quick Snap, which involves them striking multiple times with their front claws in quick succession. The Godzilla vs. Kong theater program lists one of the Rockclaws' attacks as Pincer Bomb (ピンサー爆弾, but provides no description of it. It is finally seen in Titan Chasers, where it is Grubs' Special Ability; the Rockclaw rises onto its back legs before slamming down with its front claws, dealing damage as well as stunning the target for one turn, but attracting all enemy attacks for the next two turns. Pinsā Bakudan)
The Rockclaws use their boulder-like carapaces to blend in with the ground of the Hollow Earth to hide from predators.
According to the Godzilla vs. Kong theater program, the Rockclaws are capable of two unspecified maneuvers: Scatter Cutter (スキャッターカッター and Boulder Dash Sukyattā Kattā) (ボールダーダッシュ. Bōrudā Dasshu)[3]
Video games
- PUBG Mobile (2021) - Android and iOS
- Call of Duty: Warzone (2022) - Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, Playstation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S [cave painting]
- Call of Duty: Vanguard (2022) - Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, Playstation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S [cave painting]
- Godzilla x Kong: Titan Chasers (2024) - Android, iOS, and PC
Cave paintings of a Rockclaw, Doug, and a Hellhawk in Call of Duty: Warzone
Godzilla vs. Kong: The Official Movie Novelization
The Rockclaws act the same as they do in the film, although they are attacked by several reptiles instead of just one.
- Godzilla x Kong: The Hunted (2024) [cave painting]
- Monsterverse Declassified (2024) ["Abaddon" and "Doug"]
- Main article: Rockclaw/Gallery.
See also
This is a list of references for Rockclaw. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]
- Toho Stella, ed. (14 May 2021). Godzilla vs. Kong (theater program). TOHO Visual Entertainment.
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