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Axor in episode 12 of Hanna-Barbera's Godzilla
Subtitle(s) Lizard Monster
(トカゲ怪獣,   Tokage Kaijū)[1]
The All-Powerful
Species Irradiated cobra
Place(s) of emergence Storm Island
Relations Storm Islanders (slaves)
Enemies Godzilla, Godzooky, Calico crew
First appearance Godzilla episode 17,
"The Beast of Storm Island"
To be added.

Axor (アゾール,   Azōru) is a cobra monster that appeared in the 1979 Godzilla episode "The Beast of Storm Island."


Axor is a dark gray serpent-like creature with a lighter underbelly sustained by sleek legs. Its eyes are pitch black with the exception of its pupils. From the upper region of its back rises a large sack ending in a hole above Axor's forehead from which it blows its gusts of wind. It has a pair of incisive fangs.



"The Beast of Storm Island"

When the Calico beached on an atoll called Storm Island, Captain Carl Majors, Dr. Quinn Darian, and Brock Borden fell under the hypnotic control of the gigantic cobra-like monster Axor. Vapors generated from the Lazarus Well in the monster's mountain lair had granted it a telepathic ray, which it used to dominate the human population of the island. Pete and Godzooky managed to escape from Axor and hide in its lair. There they were exposed to the vapors, which enhanced their physical abilities extraordinarily. With these new abilities, they escaped from the pit; Godzooky, now able to breathe fire rather than smoke rings and possessing super-strength, was powerful enough to hold his own in battle with Axor. The power was temporary, however, and Pete and Godzooky were forced to call for Godzilla. Godzilla arrived and battled with Axor, dodging most of its beams, before finally turning part of a mountain into glass with his fire breath. When Axor accidentally struck the glass with its ray, the ray was reflected back at it and destroyed it. Upon Axor's defeat, the island populace and the Calico crew were freed from their hypnosis.


Energy bolts

Axor can fire energy bolts from its mouth.

Telepathic slave ray

Axor can fire a telepathic slave ray from its eyes that turned humans and other creatures into its slaves. However, Godzilla was able to resist its effects. It also does not seem to work on targets who are ill or sick, as demonstrated by Pete and Godzooky.

Hurricane winds

Axor can create hurricane-like winds from the hole in its head.


Axor was easily overpowered by Godzilla in close-quarters combat. It must also take time to recharge at the Lazarus Well. Reflective surfaces can deflect Axor's slave ray, which destroyed him once he was hit by it.



  • The monster Dolfiego from the ninth episode of The☆Ultraman shares an unusual number of coincidental similarities with Axor, both characters being intelligent and ancient bipedal reptilian creatures with eye-based mind controlling powers who enslave humans to build and maintain their underground temple-like homes on isolated islands. The episodes featuring both monsters premiered in 1979, just a little over four months from each other (May 30 and October 6, respectively).
  • Axor is the only enemy monster in Godzilla to have an invented name.


This is a list of references for Axor. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]

  1. Godzilla 1954-1999 Super Complete Works. Shogakukan. 1 January 2000. p. 205. ISBN 978-4091014702.


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